Monday, October 13, 2014

Myths and lies about Islam ...

... they are legion. Former Muslim terrorist, Walid Shoebat, ought to know:

Here are Part 2 and Part 3.  Now, that's a speech our pc politicians and media fools desperately need to hear and heed.

[h/t sda]

And, more recently (2012), with Michael Coren:


  1. Sure, let's all get together and sing Kum ba ya. Nothing to see here.

    First, your numbers are off by a factor of about 1000. According to Pew Research there were 3.5 million Muslims in North America in 2012.

    Second. While it is true that North American Muslims are among the best assimilated in the world, there is still a considerable threat from within.

    A poll taken by Pew found that roughly 9.1% of North American Muslims (that's about 320,000) believed that "suicide bombing of civilian targets to defend Islam is justified".

    Third. DO you not watch the news? There have been multiple attempts by North American Muslims to attack other Canadians and Americans. Both ISIS and al Quaeda have vowed to attack and destroy western democracies. There are many more incidents involving Muslims ("protests", etc) that should give serious pause to anyone with eyes and ears.

    Fourth. Did you listen to Walid Shoebat?

  2. What? This sounds like a simple case of Islamaphobe that you suffer from. The choice of Canadian immigrant is from South Asia and Muslim. Why then is that? The current government is letting them and their families in by the plane loads! Canada sure as hell didn't let in and Japanese or Germans during WW2. In fact Canada took steps to ensure that there were no political dissidents during WW2 by locking them up. What are we doing now? The doors are wide open and we don't have 1 issue whatsoever. So that tells me that it's all politics and fear tactics so that people like you have something to write about.
