Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Global warming causes global cooling

[h/t WUWT]


  1. I don't think you can at one weather event in one location to prove or disprove global warming. The earth has warmed 0.7C in the last century, however the projections by the environmentalists have generally been well off. Otherwise the earth has warmed but at a much slower pace. Its not an all or nothing. One can believe in global warming, but believe its a natural occurrence rather than man made or believe the earth is warming, but not to the extreme the enviros claim.

  2. You preach to the converted. It would be better to concentrate on giving that advice to climate alarmists and opportunists who see evidence of and threats from global warming in everything, including kidney stones.

  3. I wouldn't say I preach to the converted as most either seem to think global warming is hoax or an unmitigated disaster about to come, whereas I think the truth lies in between. I accept the science that the earth has warmed and humans are partially responsible, but I don't think its nearly as bad as stated. While not sure my guess is the take the rise of CO2 holding everything constant which almost never happens in real life as well as mathematical formulas which are by no reason perfect. I look at the past as the past is the best prediction of the future. I've tried debating some of the alarmists but anyone who even asks questions is shouted down. If their arguments are so accurate why not explain it as most of us aren't experts on climates and its not unreasonable to ask for an explanation when something doesn't make sense.

  4. Yeah that makes sense, because global cooling actually causes global warming too. Yeah I can see that when the polar caps are breaking cold temperature records and Ice pack levels, of course it must be all the global warming causing it. Only a Moron would believe scientist that would say something so stupid!!! Lol global warming is the reason we are gonna have an Ice age ? hahahaha have you ever thought of checking the Sun's output ? cause thats whats causing the global cooling, you can't trust any scientist employed by our government cause they get paid to lie.

  5. Anon...

    Here's a link to an article containing a chart of global temperatures since 2500.

    As you can see, there is absolutely not one thing extraordinary about a slight rise in temperature over the last century. If anything, the rise has been somewhat subdued relative to previous fluxes.

    It all quite normal. It only takes on the appearance of abnormality when viewed outside the greater context of the last several millennia.

    And don't think for a moment that the global warming whackos don't know that!

    Al in Cranbrook

  6. And here's another chart...

    Or how about dozens of 'em...

    All tell pretty much the same story: Climate change is cyclical, and a fact of life, always has been, always will be.

    Al in Cranbrook
