Saturday, November 15, 2014

Harper to Putin: "Get out of Ukraine"

At the G20 summit:
Reluctantly accepting Putin’s hand, Harper was said to have told him: “I’ll shake your hand, but I only have one thing to say to you: Get out of Ukraine.”...
Putin’s terse rejoinder was “that’s impossible because we are not there,” the Russian leader’s spokesman later told Canadian journalists. ... This is total nonsense. ...
More at Metanoodle.


  1. Meanwhile Putin responds, "and your Stephen who from where again"?

  2. Better a "who" from "where" than a laughing stock (Trudeau,Obama) from over there (Canada, USA).

  3. @johndoe123: then Putin responds oh yeah that's where our Artic oil and other natural resources are: the place where we fly our fighter jets over all the time and you do eff all about it cause your spineless. Oh and BTW when that other liberal clown Trudeau wins the next election we will also set up bases and drill our oil in your Artic......

  4. And this is where sociopathic Progressivism gets us. Even Conservatives are petrified of standing up for genuine inalienable principles.

    I don't blame Harper. At least he is attempting to confront the threats within a neurotically Progressive society. Liberals and NDP would be hiding behind the skirts of "nuance" and "dialog" instead of calling it what it really is: cowardice and capitulation.

    Harper is the only leader on the planet right now who actually confronts, publicly, international leaders in a meaningful way. I don't like everything he does domestically but he is head, shoulders and bayag above anyone else even remotely serious in Canadian foreign policy.

  5. @johndoe123: Yes sir, Mr. Harper is a true "Progressive/Moderate" which I do not define as a Conservative. I commend him for confronting the animal Putin but that's all we are going to get out of a "Progressive/Moderate" like Harper. Harper can talk the talk but he will not walk the walk. He gives a lil bit of milk and cookies to the conservative facet of the nation while at the same time bending over backwards to appease the masses of "Progressives/moderates" in Eastern Canada. Harper will always have the vote of Alberta. I knew of Harper back in 1999-2000 when he was hanging out with the Reform/Alliance party and believe me he was a conservative back then: well at least he talked a good conservative talk for sure but look what happened when he got his chance! He's all we got right now I agree. The days of Preston Manning and Stockwell day are done. Because of Harper and his progressivism there will never be another politician like Day or Manning because that style of politicking is considered taboo and politically incorrect.

  6. I don't disagree with much of what you say but, as I allude to in my previous post, at least part of the blame lies with a neurotic Progressive culture that simply won't countenance hard-line, principled stances that are not neurotically correct.

    I think that the other thing that we need to keep in mind is that Harper is not the party, he is the leader of the party. His job, as he has said publicly, is to find consensus within the caucus. If the caucus is dominated by Progressives (which I think it is) then that doesn't leave much room for manoeuvrings to the right.

  7. It is only theater meant to play to the masses. I’d be more impressed if the PM had the “big stick” to back up his tough talk; like fielding an entire Mech Division and to use a JT term, “whip it” over to Europe, but that ain’t goin’ to happen. With only a dozen obsolete ships (on a good day) maybe 2 dozen operational and aging fighters, 1 maybe 2 operational and obsolete submarines and 5000 “fighting” soldiers and some tanks, the PM can talk the talk but he can’t walk the walk. We can’t even defend our own borders. What are we going to do if the Russians don’t leave the Ukraine?…oh that’s right we’ll tell them to leave the Ukraine again. The Conservatives, like the Liberals before them, gutted the military to balance the budget and to keep progressives happy. And consider this; the morons that populate the bureaucracy that run this country (Lib and Con) are still wrangling, after 20+ years, about the replacement for the Sea king. We fought WW2 in 6. And it’ll be the same BS rhetoric when the Russians take over the artic. We’re not remotely prepared to exert our sovereignty over the north with the exception of the “rangers” in their red hoodies and 303 rifles…Guardians of the North. Suffice to say the lights at the Kremlin don’t burn late into the night worrying about the Great White North. It’s time for Canadian’s to nut up or shut up. Start building/ buying tanks, planes, ships and bases or sit in the corner and keep quiet, because we look like idiots trying to act tough.
