Thursday, November 6, 2014

How Canada gains from Obama's loss

Lawrence Solomon counts the ways:
Number One on the Obama Can’t-Do list involves carbon taxes or other global warming measures that could set back Canada’s economy ... a prescient Prime Minister Harper tied Canada’s global warming policies to those of the United States. ... Harper — thought to be a closet climate skeptic — took a calculated risk that paid off in spades. ...

Number Two on the Obama Can’t-Do List is trade protectionism, a favourite among many Democrats including Obama ...

Number Three: Canada can also breathe a big sigh of relief that free spending Democrats are now reined in. ...Obama’s exploding of the national debt — by the time he’s done, it may have doubled to $20-trillion

Pundits are betting that Obama will finally approve Keystone ... But the pundits could be wrong. Obama has betrayed most of his constituents through broken promises ... But even chucking Keystone could now be too late for Obama. He has become such a liability to his party that few Democratic politicians have a strong allegiance to him ...

See also Peter Foster: Mr. Obama, pull down that anti-Keystone XL wall

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