Sunday, November 16, 2014

Latest poll shows a continuing travesty

A Nanos poll released Nov 12th ...

... has Stephen Harper taking the lead as Canada's preference for PM. 

Well, that's good one supposes, but that Trudeau's numbers remain anywhere near Harper's is a continuing travesty that reflects very poorly on Canadians' sensibilities, seriousness and maturity.


  1. Polls between elections reflect the effectiveness of the anti-Harper media on shaping opinion. Once the election begins things change as people start paying attention. If the PCP is close now is a good sign for the future.

  2. Harper added 25% to the national debt, after promising he would never run deficits. For that lie alone, I will never vote for him again.

  3. Anonymous 9:59, it is unfortunately, a lack of understanding of how our political system works, and folks like yourself, who have JT air-head polling the numbers he does. The addition to the national debt was the result of pressure by Libs and Dippers in a minority government. You should do some research, educate yourself, and try to figure this out before you post comments like the one above.

  4. Paul Martin was to win the largest majority in Canadian history, according to the polls.

    Stephan Dion was to win at least a strong minority, according to the polls.

    Ignatieff was to win a slim majority/strong minority according to the polls.

    I do not put any stock in these polls conducted by these, so called, research firms who seem to be run by people of questionable motives.

    All of it is nothing but bird cage liner.


  5. Harper added 25% to the national debt ... I will never vote for him again.

    Anonymous 12:43 hit the nail on the head. Furthermore, if (big IF) anon 9:59 has ever voted for Stephen Harper he's certainly not seriously considering the present alternatives.

  6. I am not surprised. Canada is a centre-left country so by default the largest segment will lean towards the Liberals. The fact Harper is ahead I think shows the problems with the Liberals (although polls need to be taken with a grain of salt) as all things equal in terms of leader and campaign, the Liberals should win. Off course in the past four elections, the Liberals had weaker leaders and weaker campaigns thus why they lost and will lose next time around if the same happens. That being said which way the election will go will depend heavily on the ballot question so it will probably be a minority (Harper is hated east of the Ottawa River so won't win many seats there while the Liberals outside a few urban seats are too weak to win many in the West) so it will come down to who can win the suburbs in Ontario and Lower Mainland BC as well as whether Quebec goes Liberal or NDP.

    I don't think the media is at fault here, I think our DNA for the majority of Canadians leans left so Conservatives have to work twice as hard to win as Liberals. Off course the Liberals have a tendency to get cocky and take things for granted whereas Conservatives know they are a minority so are less likely to do this.

  7. What the hell is wrong with you people. The Canadian dollar is crashing and is worth 20 cents less that when Harper took power. Harper has massively increased the debt and you guys pretend like he as awesome as the Beatles. You have clearly decided to pander for a senate appointment and join dishonest luminaries like Duffy and the other idiot that pounded by Trudeau. Oh what about Del MAstro's dishonest election win and HArper pleading guilty to election money fraud in the in and out scandal.

  8. Anon, you are wrong about the Senate. Harper promised to not appoint senators.

  9. Harper is ahead at 32% in the polls because of division on the centre left. Harper has never spoken for any more than 1/3 of Canadians. The other 2/3rds want his useless ass fired.

  10. Anonymous@ 8:58 PST:
    Your comments indicate that any politicalsmarts you may have are sublimated by your obvious hatred of Harper. Step back a bit and REALLY look at Canada's economic status compared to many, many other countries. But I don't suppose that will mean much to you, when you're real agenda is to perpetuate the liberal agenda..."everything free to all losers, no matter what!" Get a job monkey, then tell me all about how you really don't need an income and how you really don't mind being overtaxed!!
