Sunday, November 23, 2014

Obama's climate surrender to China

Rex Murphy:
Much is being made of Barack Obama’s “deal” with China ...

... For those who still retain their enthusiasm for the lame-duck... the announcement was a milestone in the fight against our ecological doom, an historical commitment.  ... the deal “shames” Canada, “isolates” us, puts us in the overcrowded villains gallery ...

Mr. Obama ... has told China that the U.S., which even now is on a downward slope in CO2 emissions, is willing to bind itself to continuing that downward slope for the next 16 years. ...

... And in return, what does the deal promise from China’s side? ... China has a 16-year holiday to keep accelerating its development, building a coal-powered plant every 8 to 10 days.  ... Why cannot Canada take the offer the U.S. made to China? [Because Canadian eco-freaks, egged on by a gullible leftist media, would go nuts].

... So this great historic deal is really nothing more than ... a last gasp for Mr. Obama, a placation to the always fierce warming constituency, and for the Chinese, a little chuckle or two at how easy it is to charm the eagerly gullible.
Charles Krauthammer:
Climate enthusiasts will say that I refuse to take yes for an answer. Of course I would take yes for an answer. But the Obama-Xi agreement is not yes. It is “check back with me in 16 years.” Aren’t the people advocating this deal the same garment-rending climate apocalypticists who’ve been warning of irreversible planetary changes beginning now, and the supreme imperative of acting immediately?
Except, you see, for China, the world’s No. 1 carbon polluter. It gets a 16-year pass.


  1. If Harper has half the political intelligence we give him credit for, he will immediately agree to the same terms as China,and announce it at a Press conference next week.

  2. I don't know, as much as I'd love to see him do it, I think the usual media and enviro suspects, not liking having their stupidity, gullibility and hypocrisy mocked, would go overboard (even beyond their usual levels of 'outrage') in an effort to ridicule and otherwise discredit him.

    On second thought, it might be worth the risk:)

  3. Rex Murphy wants to be a Conservstive a senator and will say anything.
