Friday, November 7, 2014

Trudeau's ideas on ISIS and Iraq "idotic", "a bad joke"

Justin ("Neville") Trudeau:

"Idiotic." That's how ... Jason Kenney put the idea to offer "cold winter" advice to the victims of ISIS.

Justin Trudeau now thinks the responsibility to protect doesn't mean eliminating genocidal jihadi maniacs, but rather giving people brochures on how to get through the winter. This is just a bad joke," said Kenney​.


  1. I think Trudeau's intentions are noble in this case. Canada's choice of immigrant is from South Asia and the Middle East and as such we should care for them by preparing them for the Canadian winters if they so choose to come to Canada for a better life. So I think Trudeau is trying to be a forward thinker for when he becomes leader of this great cosmopolitan/multicultural/ethnically diverse country that his father created and every successive government has continued to build. Besides we want our proud hyphenated jihadists Canadians such as Omar Khadar and his family and all their cousins/what the eff ever who immigrate here under the wonderful liberal "family reunification program" to be nice and warm in their new country of Canada.

  2. Really? Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not... but I'm thinking they are more concerned about their families being obliterated by these death-cult maniacs than they are about surviving the cold. They've lived there for thousands of years without our help dealing with their climate. Trudeau's father did not create this my opinion he started the destruction of this country in no uncertain terms. Political correctness is killing everything we once held dear.

  3. We could send them snow tires....
