Monday, November 24, 2014

Why the Burnaby Mountain protesters will make no difference to the Kinder Morgan project

Brent Stafford in Vancouver's "24 Hours" :
These Kinder Morgan protesters have a lot of nerve. Who elected them to speak for the “people?” No one. They only speak for a small hyper-ideological fringe that is radically hell bent on upending our entire economic system. ...

...  the protests have nothing to do with an impending danger to the local environment. It’s all about fighting capitalism and the primary target is the fossil fuel industry. ... 

... It is for this very reason the people protesting Kinder Morgan will make no difference. Their demands are unreasonable and entirely unfeasible. And I suspect they know that. ...
Good for Mr. Stafford.  News and opinion on this subject much more often than not foolishly sympathizes with the protesters, lending them undeserved attention and legitimacy.

1 comment:

  1. One question;
    How many so called "protestors" at Burnaby mountain?
    I don't watch the "news" I am thinking that .001 of the population of this B.C. of ours wants to have a hissy, fine just don't stand in our way going to work, or 30 days in the slammer.
