Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New York State to ban fracking

The anti-fracking scaremongers score another win.  And it's all political:
... Fracking, as it is known, was heavily promoted as a source of economic revival for depressed communities along New York’s border with Pennsylvania, and Mr. Cuomo had once been poised to embrace it.

... For Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, the decision on fracking — which was immediately hailed by environmental and liberal groups — seemed likely to help repair his ties to his party’s left wing.

...  the acting state health commissioner, Dr. Howard A. Zucker, said the examination had found “significant public health risks” associated with fracking.  “We cannot afford to make a mistake,” he said. “The potential risks are too great. In fact, they are not even fully known.” [Risks too great? Not fully known? In spite of a million plus fracked wells across the country, over 60 years, with no significant adverse environmental effects?]

... As he traveled around the state, Mr. Cuomo was hounded by protesters opposed to fracking, who showed up at his events and pressed him to impose a statewide ban. Opponents were also aided by celebrities who drew attention to their cause. ...


  1. Fraccing ruins aquifiers and wells. it's a good decision.

  2. If they don't want fracking in their state, that's fine. Other states should now charge NY a sizeable fee to bring in natural gas from their states, that gets passed on to every citizen in the form of a state sales tax that affects all purchases - an "eco" tax, if you will - the price for being such noble environmentalists. See how much they hate fracking with an extra 3-5% on everything they buy.

  3. "Fraccing ruins aquifiers and wells. it's a good decision."

    Pure bullcrap propaganda from the Josh Fox compendium of lies.

    According to Obama's own appointed eco-leftist head of the EPA there has not been a single example of this in the entire USA since fracking began more than a half century ago.
