Saturday, December 13, 2014

CIA "torture" report - unctuous condescension and hypocritical nonsense

Charles Krauthammer:
The report by Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding CIA interrogation essentially accuses the agency under George W. Bush of war criminality.

...It’s a common theme (often echoed by President Obama): Amid panic and disorientation, we lost our moral compass and made awful judgments. ...

... It’s a kind of temporary-insanity defense for the Bush administration. And it is not just unctuous condescension but hypocritical nonsense.

... To make that case, to produce a prosecutorial brief so entirely and relentlessly one-sided, the committee report (written solely by Democrats) excluded any testimony from the people involved and variously accused. None. No interviews, no hearings, no statements. ...
Then there's the media:


  1. In the mean time

    Our faith condones raping underage slaves: ISIS publishes shocking guidebook telling fighters how to buy, sell and abuse captured women

  2. The CIA used torture. In Canada, we had a Royal Commission to investigate the torture of a Somali teen by Airborne troops. It was seen as a national shame. The U.S. committed in treaties to not use torture. We tried Nazi's in Nuremberg for torture and executed them. The CIA should not use torture.

  3. oldwhiteguy says....... why bother with torture when we can execute terrorists when they are caught shooting and killing those who do not follow their beliefs.

  4. No "torture" was used. It was called "enhanced interrogation techniques" and legally sanctioned for use in limited circumstances. The techniques involved no physical harm but psychological coercion. Water-boarding, apparently the harshest method used, was used on 3 of nearly 500 Gitmo detainees. Those interrogations yielded valuable intelligence, according to the people involved.

    Just for fun, we should ask one of those water-boarded, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, whether he'd have preferred Obama's "drone" treatment instead.
