Monday, December 29, 2014

The year in Liberal Stupid

James Delingpole and Milo Yiannopoulos - Part I:
JAMES: “Rape Culture"  ... If you want to know what “Rape Culture” really looks like, just pay a visit to Islamic-State-held territory in Iraq and Syria.
... Now compare and contrast with the confected, faux grievances of the West’s oppressed female Social Justice Warriors, as they battle against such appalling injustices as: their insufficient representation on bank notes ... not having been given as many Nobel-prizes as men have ...

MILO: "GameGate"  ... Gamers are the only fandom ever to mount a sustained revolt against social justice warriors riding in to “save” their hobby from “misogyny” and other invented offences.

... GamerGate, indirectly, had a huge effect on feminism in the popular imagination this year, because it showed third-wave feminism up for what it is: a hateful, bullying, authoritarian creed of funless cultural Marxism. ...
JAMES: “Torture” ... can you not see something effete, decadent and self-defeating in our enthusiasm first for washing our dirty linen in public (as the Democrat Senate report was so eager to do)...

1 comment:

  1. Trudeau beat up that Conservative Senator tough guy and Harper hid in a closet while the rest of the caucus was outside.

    A humiliating year for conservative manhood.
