Thursday, January 8, 2015

Charlie Hebdo: the truths that ought to be self-evident but still aren’t

Nick Cohen in The Spectator:
... I am just back from a ‘Je suis Charlie’ vigil in Trafalgar Square, and the solidarity was good to see. I fear it won’t last. I may be wrong. Perhaps tomorrow’s papers and news programmes will prove their commitment to freedom by republishing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons. ...

... I offer you 10 truths that ought to be self-evident. ...
  • ...
  • It is not ‘Islamophobic’ to satirise radical Islamists and their beliefs – the main targets of radical Islamists include other Muslims as well as Christians, Jews, Yazidis and secularists.
  • Even if in your confused liberal mind you think that it is, no one has the right to stop satire or criticism because they are offended.
  • ...

1 comment:

  1. Why is HArper letting 10,000 Syrian Muslims into Canada? He's ridiculous.
