Friday, February 6, 2015

Doctor-assited death - the SSC greases the slope

Today the Supreme Court of Canada rendered its judgement to allow physician-assisted suicide in limited circumstances.  Some selected paragraphs:
Section 241 (b) and s. 14  of the Criminal Code  unjustifiably infringe s. 7  of the Charter  and are of no force or effect to the extent that they prohibit physician-assisted death for a competent adult person who (1) clearly consents to the termination of life and (2) has a grievous and irremediable medical condition (including an illness, disease or disability) that causes enduring suffering that is intolerable to the individual in the circumstances of his or her condition. ... The declaration of invalidity is suspended for 12 months.

... The prohibition on physician-assisted dying infringes the right to life, liberty and security of the person in a manner that is not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. The object of the prohibition is not, broadly, to preserve life whatever the circumstances, but more specifically to protect vulnerable persons from being induced to commit suicide at a time of weakness. Since a total ban on assisted suicide clearly helps achieve this object, individuals’ rights are not deprived arbitrarily. However, the prohibition catches people outside the class of protected persons. It follows that the limitation on their rights is in at least some cases not connected to the objective and that the prohibition is thus overbroad.
... The appropriate remedy is not to grant a free-standing constitutional exemption, but rather to issue a declaration of invalidity and to suspend it for 12 months. Nothing in this declaration would compel physicians to provide assistance in dying. 

The Feasibility of Safeguards and the Possibility of a “Slippery Slope”
 ... At trial Canada went into some detail about the risks associated with the legalization of physician-assisted dying.  In its view, there are many possible sources of error and many factors that can render a patient “decisionally vulnerable” and thereby give rise to the risk that persons without a rational and considered desire for death will in fact end up dead.  It points to cognitive impairment, depression or other mental illness, coercion, undue influence, psychological or emotional manipulation, systemic prejudice (against the elderly or people with disabilities), and the possibility of ambivalence or misdiagnosis as factors that may escape detection or give rise to errors in capacity assessment.  Essentially, Canada argues that, given the breadth of this list, there is no reliable way to identify those who are vulnerable and those who are not.  As a result, it says, a blanket prohibition is necessary.
The trial judge, on the basis of her consideration of various regimes and how they operate, found that it is possible to establish a regime that addresses the risks associated with physician-assisted death.  We agree with the trial judge that the risks associated with physician-assisted death can be limited through a carefully designed and monitored system of safeguards.
Now it's for the government to re-write the law, clearly defining the fuzzy terminology, setting limits and the necessary safeguards.

The slippery slope has just been greased.  We'll have to live (or die) with it.  However, the pro-death activists won't rest until they've got what they're really after - euthanasia.

1. Today's decision was unanimous 9-0 with these judges in attendance: McLachlin C.J. and LeBel, Abella, Rothstein, Cromwell, Moldaver, Karakatsanis, Wagner and Gascon JJ.

2. The previous assisted suicide judgement of 1993 dismissing the Sue Rodriguez appeal was decided 5-4 with McLachlin and three others dissenting.  McLachlin was the only judge to hear both cases.


  1. oldwhiteguy says,,,,,it is good to see the supreme court doing the job of parliament again. writing law. S/

  2. They didn't write law they struck a law down. A law that clearly discriminates against disabled people. If you allow suicide to be legal for all you have to realize that the disabled are going to require assistance to exercise their right. Eminently reasonable.

  3. Anonymous (8:05 AM):
    (1)Read the judgement. The Supremes made new law and set the broad (too broad, too fuzzy) parameters for its implementation. Doctor-assisted suicide will be legal in 12 months (unless the gov't invokes the notwithstanding clause, which it won't do).

    (2) Even the most disabled competent adult is capable of finding ways of ending his/her own life with out a doctor's assistance.

  4. Actually, some of the most disabled competent adults in our society can't even feed themselves.

  5. The dictatorial and un democratic nature of the court is very disturbing, but not at all surprising as this is exactly what the imposition of the Trudeau Charter designed. The Trudeau Charter encourages an unelected unaccountable body to "interpret" the Trudeau Charter as they wish without the nuisance of public consultation or debate. Eugenics has been imposed by an unaccountable unelected court and the public are helpless to stop it and will be forced to live with whatever the consequence of this Nazi ideology. The disease is the constitutionality of the imposed Trudeau Charter, a document that hands the power of social order from the elected body to an unelected unaccountable court where laws are struck down without democratic oversight. The only way to stop this Trudopian usurping of Canada's British Parliamentary governance is to make the imposed Trudeau Charter a statutory document as Diefs Bill of Rights was, thus restoring democratic rule. The imposed Trudeau Charter is a document that appeals to those that despise democratic rule, debate, and consensus among the population on the social order. The imposed Trudeau Charter sets the country on a course of ruination that would make Hitler proud.
