Thursday, February 19, 2015

The right to hide your face while swearing to be a loyal Canadian

The National Post has been making a big deal out of a Federal Court judge`s ruling that strikes down the government`s policy banning the niqab during the citizenship swearing in ceremony.  The complainant is activist Muslim, Zunera Ishaq (Hmmm. Not even a citizen yet and already a pushy leftist activist.)  In today`s letters to the Post there were 5 letters disagreeing with Ms Ishaq and the judge.  The first:
... The veil issue is about having the courtesy to accept the traditions of Canada. The reason this particular story has hit such a strong emotional nerve with so many Canadians is that Zunera Ishaq’s stance demonstrates an insulting lack of respect — indeed contempt — for this country. Imagine how she would feel if a non-Muslim barged into her mosque and refused to take off his construction boots — in fact demanded that it was his God-given right to keep wearing them. Would she not feel anger at the brazen show of disrespect? That is precisely how so many Canadian feel over this issue.

Anger is also multiplied by both Ms. Ishaq’s puzzling desire to be a citizen and the government’s immigration rules that cheapen what it means to be a Canadian by allowing people with attitudes like hers to become citizens. No one asked her to come here and certainly no one is asking her to stay. Like Montreal imam Hamza Chaoui, who puzzlingly chooses to stay in Canada despite preaching Islam and democracy are incompatible, or Chiheb Esseghaier who came here to consume our educational resources and as a thank you decided he wanted to blow up a train, all three show both a lack of respect and blatant hypocrisy. John Love, Toronto.
Here`s Ezra`s and Marissa`s take:


  1. Even more "offensive" than Ms. Ishaq's insistence in wearing her niqab at the swearing-in ceremony are the people who defend her position, like 2 of the 3 feminists on this panel, who call the citizenship swearing-in ceremony merely a symbolic gesture.

    The lower court's decision is also questionable. Judge Keith Boswell, like other judges who have struck down some of the Harper government's new measures dealing with minimum sentencing, seem to be more intent on making political statements of their own rather than applying the law.
    -- Gabby in QC

  2. What I find most disgusting is that the granting of Canadian citizenship would have even been considered to anyone like her who openly shows she has no respect for Canada, its laws, traditions and culture. Qualifying for citizenship must be more than resisting here for x number years, which by the way, should be 10 years instead of 3 years.

    Hiding one's face in public is totally unacceptable here, and it is NOT an Islamic requirement but a cultural one. This means she considers her culture trumps that of Canada, and shows she does not qualify for Canadian citizenship.

  3. Let's hope the govt's appeal reverses Boswell's ruling (fat chance, I know) and then if Ishaq still refuses to unveil, give her the boot.

  4. Regardless of the law, there is a thing called respect and the way she is behaving is disrespectful. I have been to over 30 countries and I never insist on doing things the way I usually do, rather I respect local customs. After all there is an old saying when in Rome do as the Romans do so when coming to Canada you should respect our customs. You don't like them don't come here. That doesn't mean you have to surrender everything from your culture. As long as one's cultural practices don't negatively interfere with ours, then its fine. I don't have a problem with the hijab or turbans for Sikhs, but a niqab is a sign of oppression towards women (even if they voluntarily wear it) and being able to see one's face is a crucial aspect in our country. Only when you are outside in the freezing cold, like we have now in Eastern Canada does it make sense to cover one's face.

    Finally multiculturalism is a two way street. We should welcome those from other cultures and not exclude them, but they should also try to become part of the larger Canadian community and when wearing a niqab thats pretty tough to do.
