Saturday, March 28, 2015

Obama - "China's useful green idiot"

James Delingpole:
... Republican senators Roy Blunt (Missouri) and Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma) ... have just launched a challenge to the bilateral climate change “agreement” reached by President Obama with China last year ...

... Under this “agreement”, the US will cut its emissions by 26 per cent by 2025 while China will increase its “non-fossil-fuel share of energy to around 20 per cent” by 2030.

... An “agreement” in diplomacy-speak is legally or politically binding.  ... That is why both negotiating parties took care in the finished document never to use that word. Instead they chose the much vaguer word “announcement”...

... By 2030, China will be producing more CO2 than Japan, the US and the EU combined. In this context, America’s carbon reductions emission targets can properly seen for the meaningless gesture politics they really are.  ... So Senators Blunt and Inhofe are absolutely right to challenge this plan ...
 Happy Earth Hour!

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