Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Pigs have flown in Alberta

Bye, bye Jim Prentice!!

The NDP took the cities.  Guess all those PC's were more progressive than conservative.


Ezra Levant reacts: "God help us all!"


  1. looks like the trough lickers have won another chance to fill the trough at the expense of others.

  2. Here comes a 10% HST.

    Fat Tony

  3. Red Rover, Red Rover Alberta bend over.

  4. While disappointed with the results, this was more a throw the bums election out than vote one in. Nonetheless Alberta's changing demographics are making it less friendly to party's on the right. I still expect the Tories will win the lion's share of seats federally but they could face some difficulties in some urban ridings. In fact I think the Conservative vote unlike say in other provinces was inflated there as other parties didn't bother to try and hard to win if you don't try. That being said it seems next election will be less on region and more ideology so its not totally surprising Tories are up in Quebec, which is their weakest province, but down by the most in Alberta as the gap between different provinces is not as big as some think and with social media and more inter-provincial migration its probably less than it was a decade ago.

  5. Alberta's changing demographics are making it less friendly to party's on the right."

    Probably true. The population is no doubt steadily becoming more urbanized with increases in population coming largely from outside the province.

  6. Conservative tears are the most delicious kind...

  7. "Conservative tears are the most delicious kind."

    Heh. Having cried in their beer for over four decades, Dippers would be in a position to know. And, it won't be long before they wreck Alberta (built by conservatism) enough for voters to send them back to crying in their beer once again. For now, enjoy your schadenfreude.
