Saturday, May 16, 2015

"White privilege" theory - academia a waste of time and money, and worse

Rex Murphy:
I’ve seen the captious phrase “white privilege” — a camp neologism by my reading — very often lately. It emerges from the intellectual marshes of social justice “educators,” a typical pseudo-concept from that roiling pastiche of academic pursuit.

... The obsession of seeing everything in race-coloured terms is itself racist. Anti-racism pursed by zealots transforms itself into the very vice it deplores. This is the cost of identity politics, and its close bedmate, victimology enterprises. ...

... It is to the great shame of modern universities that they have debased themselves to the pursuit of these follies ...
The radical academics who push this po-mo nonsense should be run off our campuses, and the faculties from which they push it should be shut down.  They are clearly a horrendous waste of taxpayers' money, but, much worse, they are polluting the minds of gullible young students and damaging society at large.


  1. Anytime people are judged by the colour of their skin instead of by their character and behaviour, that is nothing more than blatant racism. In the Orwellian world of today just about every concept means the complete opposite. Anti-racism is actually racism in action. Freedom becomes slavery, right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right. Rex hits the nail on the head.

  2. I couldn't agree more, Alain. Well said.

  3. Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals states clearly that to get the change Marxists desire requires lying, "accuse others of doing exactly that which you are guilty of"... in other words if you've got some racist scheme or theory you want to impose on everyone else simply label those that oppose your racist scheme as being racist themselves. Alinsky didn't dedicate his book to "Lucifer" for nothing, the man was evil just like the "social justice warriors" that do his bidding today, or as Lenin called them, "Useful idiots of the west". Sean M

  4. I think the problem with the whole white privilege thing is it focuses on the outcome rather than causes. I've found not just on that issue, but many issues the left is more about equality of outcome while right is equality of opportunity. It's true that visible minorities do make quite a bit less than white Canadians thus why many on the left claim the need for affirmative action. But if you only look at visible minorities who were born in Canada, that gap largely disappears with Black Canadians and First Nations being the only two where incomes are still lower amongst second generation. So that says to me its more an issue that like many immigrants in the past be it the Irish, Ukrainians, Italians etc. it is tougher when neither English or French is your first language and you are in a foreign culture. So I don't think the left are bad like some, I just think they are looking at the issue through a simplistic lens. Besides we should work to eradicate racism whereby no one faces discrimination, but not try to equalize outcomes, just equalize opportunities.
