Monday, June 22, 2015

Why is the BC carbon tax myth not dead and buried?

Terence Corcoran: Time to bury B.C. carbon tax myth
The B.C. carbon tax is now enshrined as a world famous economic miracle, thanks to some handy promotional papers by a few Canadian economists and a gullible media. ...
... the World Bank is using the B.C. model as a handy selling point for carbon taxes

... It is time to put an end to the B.C. carbon tax success story. If anything, the tax has been a non-event in the economic lives of the people in the province.  ...
And what motivates many large companies and institutions to promote this myth?  Money, of course, big money [h/t to Michelle Stirling in the comments to Corcoran's piece].


  1. The BC carbon tax has been a successful money grab for the provincial government with absolutely no effect on the environment. I normally donated to the provincial Liberals (seeing I had to choose between them and the NDP) but informed them some time ago I would no longer donate until the carbon tax is eliminated.

  2. alain I don't donate but I voted for them to keep the ndp from getting power. I had supported the bc conservatives. but held my nose and voted liberal. only because I know our libs are more conservative then the rest of the libs in the other provinces. but yeah repeal the carbon tax. sux because we have to pay it when we buy tvs and electronics.
