Saturday, July 4, 2015

Bill 377 - union bosses' loss a victory for transparency

Brian Lilley:

Congratulations to my soon to be retired MP, Russ Hiebert, for his success in getting this private members' bill passed into law.  It will look good on his resume.

And shame on Justin Trudeau and Tom Mulcair for opposing such common sense legislation.  They wouldn't be taking union money, would they?


  1. Good news indeed and long overdue. Next Canada needs to institute the right to work, so that workers have a choice instead of being forced to be financial slaves to big union. Should the regular judicial activists again try to overturn it; apply the not withstanding clause. In fact this should be applied every time the court tries to override Parliament by legislating instead of interpreting the law.

  2. At least one former SOC justice thinks the law would be upheld. But as you say, with the present activist court, who knows?

  3. This law goes way too far and even if one supports it, it seems a bad political tactic as it will only further resolve the unions to go after the Tories in the next election. Better to let the bill die and resurrect if after the election.

    I am all for greater transparency of unions, but this goes way too far and is more union busting than better transparency.

    Private sector unions should be required to disclose this information to their members which they are, but not to the public, just as private companies are not required to disclose such information.

    Public sector unions should have to have same disclosure as crown corporations and publicly traded companies, but under this bill the level of disclosure goes far beyond this.

    Finally this likely violates section 92 of the constitution as 91% of unions fall under provincial jurisdiction and as such any law of this type would only be permissible if it applied to the 9% of unions under federal jurisdiction. Things like federal public sector unions, transportation, communications, and banking are the only areas where the federal government could legitimately regulate. All other areas are outside their jurisdiction so it would be up to the provinces to introduce such law and none have.
