Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 395 of the endless Mike Duffy trial

Christie Blatchford: "At the Mike Duffy trial, it’s hard to tell who is really the accused"

First, watch Christie's video ... 
... this freaking trial, where a passerby, sitting in, would assume that Wright, the witness, is the alleged perpetrator, or perhaps the PM, and where ... every thundered question ... echoes across the land and into the campaign buses where it is parsed to shreds as though the question was the evidence, not the answer. ...

 Father Raymond de Souza: "The Duffy scandal is not worth the attention, or the cost" 
... a very strange scandal that leaves everyone looking bad, but Canada looking relatively good. 
... The criminal law is a blunt instrument, and this criminal trial, drenched in political showmanship, is a blunt instrument put to ill use.
... The problem Senate expenses does not justify the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, hundreds of hours of court time and the huge quantity of public attention given to it ...


  1. This is nothing more then the media who have registered as a 3rd party to smear against the Govt. in this election on Elections Canada website. I look forward to the media reaction to Liberal Marc Harb's trial overspending by $230,000 + that was cancelled from this August to next year(after the election)conveniently...one rule for Liberals and another for Conservatives. Nothing new....Media are biased...everyone is catching on.

  2. There ought to be a way to limit the Media Party's partisan participation in elections. Their non-stop activity would be valued in the multi-million$. Now that's what you'd call a real scandal.

  3. There is a way JR cancel subscriptions and flood the newspaper with complaints day and night.Then call a few of their big advertisers and complain to them and have your neighbors and friends do the same thing.When they start losing their jobs and advertisers start losing money.This BS from the press will stop.Right now it is at a maniacal level of hatred for PM Harper and the Conservatives.Just looking at the faces of MIlewski and FIfe makes you feel sorry for them and at the same time feel ashamed that our Canadian press is so disgusting and UN CANADIAN

  4. bertie says...flood the newspapers.

    and what do you do when the newspaper won't print your comments in letters to the editor? The media Guild registered as a 3rd party...guess that includes local papers. Anything negative against the Govt. receives big slanted headlines....anything positive is screened and not allowed.

  5. I routinely write on-line comments calling out editors and columnists for their crap. But I still subscribe to the NP, which it would pain me deeply to drop as I think it's the only major paper that has any really conservative journalists, especially in the FP section.

  6. No doubt this is a case of the Media playing politics in an effort to influence the outcome of the election, pretty obvious really and something we've all seen from the leftist Media before, they're unscrupulous maggots. The Media have decided to put PM Harper and everyone around him on trial, not Duffy. Talk about making a "mountain out of a mole hill", the Media are simply pointing their fingers at the Conservatives and screaming "scandal" where no scandal exists. At the same time the Media are all cozy with Mulcair and especially with Trudumbo ignoring their so called policies and asking the most inane questions I've ever heard, "who's your favorite avenger"? seriously? The thought of Jr. Trudumbo sitting back reading comic books in the PMO should scare the hell out of everyone with a functioning brain. The Media are maggots who have nothing but contempt for Canadians.
