Sunday, August 2, 2015

Election 2015 is on!

The Prime Minister, as expected, dropped the writ today, with the Media Party absurdly whining about Conservatives' taking "unfair advantage".  Good grief!  Brian Lilley reacts:

Terry Milewski can be an idiot sometimes.  It's part of the job description for Media Party "reporters".


  1. When the PM knocks it out of the park like that I almost like Terry's curve ball questions.

  2. Guess Terry finds the courage to ask questions that show the people of Canada how irrelevant he is.Reporters like Terry are so far behind main stream Canadians that it,s no wonder Canadians think he is a gong show contestant.What a fool.

  3. Terry the tantrum guy got spanked by our PM, he is an example of everything that is wrong with the biased CBC.
    Bubba Brown

  4. It may be an unfair fight...
    Harper can't help it if that is the best they can do???

    No Quarter Steve!!!

  5. Going to be an interesting one. Whatever happens we will have some firsts. At this point I think it is anyone's game and considering the number of undecided or those willing to switch their votes I think it is tough to say who will come out on top. Any party can spin things to say things are working in their favour but if recent provincial elections have taught us anything conventional wisdom is often wrong. A lot will depend on ballot question and also does any party make any big mistakes, otherwise whomever can come through relatively unscathed has the best shot. At the moment it looks like the Tories are ahead in the Prairies and Ontario while the NDP in BC and Quebec, while Liberals in Atlantic Canada.
