Friday, September 18, 2015

An encouraging poll

Trudeau in trouble in Papineau riding: 
35 per cent ... for the Liberal leader. ...
NDP candidate ... at 46 per cent.
A pox on both their houses, but it would be good if these numbers hold.



  1. Mainstreet poll had another one today (which I trust more than an NDP one) that showed Justin Trudeau slightly ahead but only by three points, so definitely in danger. I think though this only matters if his party comes in second place. If they stay in third place, he will have to resign as leader whether he wins his seat or not. If the party wins, someone will step aside in a safe riding to let him win much like was done for Christy Clark in the last BC election.

  2. You want the Liberals to lose Trudeau? You should get your head examined. I hope they can keep him as leader for a long, long time.

  3. Anonymous #2 - I want the Liberals to lose him as God forbid he actually win. Canadians will eventually tire of the Tories and have naturally been suspicious of the NDP, so at least the Liberals have a reasonable leader would be better like say Marc Garneau. I don't want him as PM and as long as he is Liberal leader there is always that risk. When people get mad, they sometimes vote on emotion, not rationale thought, look what happened in Alberta this past May.

  4. Trudozo is the son of a mentally deranged Father and an emotionally unstable Mother. It is clear to anyone who isn't a trudope groupie or a cultist of the mythical Trudopian empire that Jr is an emotionally and intellectually unstable person just like his parents. I hope for the sake of the country that Jr. loses and loses big, that way he'll retire ("for Family reasons") and someone less radical, less deranged and somewhat serious can take over the corrupt "Liberals". Trudozo the clowns defeat in his own riding could possibly set up a scenario where a real Liberal party might emerge from the current septic quagmire, a real alternative that could replace the far left extremists, impostors and posers that call themselves "Liberals" today but are anything but liberal.

  5. Both anonymous #3 and #4 reflect my thoughts/feelings on this. Justin Trudeau is supremely unqualified for and undeserving of the top political position in the country. It reflects badly on Canadians that such a wet-behind-the-ears dilettante is even contesting that job much less anywhere close to winning it. Anything that might encourage or hasten his departure is good news.
