Friday, September 4, 2015

The disgusting, cynical, political exploitation of a tragedy

Brian Lilley: Media, opposition exploit child's death to attack Harper

And, btw:

And these are raw totals. Per capita or relative to GDP, that puts Canada at the top of the heap by a wide margin.


  1. Chris Alexander looked like a tool when he was on PnP.

  2. The "Liberal" above is a prime example of "progressive compassion" regarding this issue. "Liberals" don't give a damn about that poor little boy and his family, they only care about scoring some political points and power, power at any cost. The way the progressive Media are handling this story is a disgrace. Lilley says it right when he says the Media, "Liberals" and NDP are using a dead little boy as a political weapon".

  3. Chris Alexander is too much of a gentleman to appear on P&P to be cut off, shouted over and his points to be drowned out. They put him on Web Cam because it's easier for them to cut him off...Now the Liberals are out trying to raise money on the death of a child..(Mark Holland...the won who lost his seat to Alexander).despicable.

  4. Just more of the same...The Media Guild registered as a 3rd party in this election against the Conservatives playing dirty with false reporting...CBC is the worst....
    Recall the fake and phony 'scandal' of how the natives, feeding the cbc lies, stated Harper had personally demanded body bags be sent to native reserves. That was a one week full on story for the cbc. Yet in the end, it was the nurse on that reserve who had ordered those bags, and had zero to do with harper. Yet not one media outlet apologized to Harper, and the nurse ordering the bags RARELY saw the light of day, not to the same extent of their obsession with the original story.

  5. old white guy anon above:

    Agreed that Muslim countries should be stepping up to accept refugees.
    Where is Saudi Arabia in this story? Both Bahrain and Abu Dhabi (UAE) are well healed enough to sponsor F1 Grand Prix, surely they could afford to take in some refugees. It is not the sole responsibility of USA, Canada and European nations to solve this crisis.

  6. This is information I found about the Syrian refugee situation. I posted the information as tweets at NNW yesterday
    “Of 4M Syrian Refugees, The U.S. Has Taken Fewer Than 1,000” 06/16/2015

    I will post other info. separately lest too many links get caught in the filter.
    -- Gabby in QC

  7. What about Syria's immediate neighbours?
    Under "Key Facts"
    "The six Gulf countries - Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain - have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees."

    Granted, the situation may have changed. The info is from a webpage dated Dec 2014.
    --Gabby in QC

    "Other high income countries including Russia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea have also offered zero resettlement places."
    -- Gabby in QC

  9. However, the reluctance of some countries to absorb many refugees can be explained by the unwillingness of some communities to integrate into welcoming societies.
    Apparently "Slovakia says it will only accept Christians when it takes in Syrian refugees under a EU relocation scheme. ...
    Interior ministry spokesman Ivan Netik said Muslims would not be accepted because they would not feel at home. ...
    But Mr Netik denied the move was discriminatory and said it was intended to ensure community cohesion." Gabby in QC

  10. Today there are protester out in Toronto slamming PM Harper with signs...CBC of course is all over it. Probably NDP Unions trying to capitalize on the situation.
    CNC The National sure have different figures then anywhere else...USA first and Canada way down the list...disgraceful broadcasting.

  11. Britain pledges to help thousands of refugees – but rich Arab states have taken in NONE

    SUPER-RICH Arab states have been branded "shameful" after it emerged they have refused to give asylum to a single Syrian refugee.

  12. We now know why the rich Arab muslim countries will not take any of their own so called refugees. They have gone on record saying they are concerned with terrorism. I wonder why we aren't.

  13. Hadi Elis, spokesman for the Kurdish Community Centre of Toronto, said
    “Minister Alexander has been one of the strongest allies of the Kurdish community and stood by the Syrian Kurds in their darkest hour in Kobani from where the boy and his family fled in the face of attacks on them by Islamist ISIS and their Turkish allies."
