Sunday, October 4, 2015

Blatant CBC Election Bias

Since I refuse to watch the CBC I only suspect that it is following its usual pathetic pattern of political bias.  Graeme C. Gordon confirms this in his excellent piece "The CBC's Insolent Election Bias":
As Canada’s federal election is less than a month away, the CBC is now a full-fledged left-wing partisan mouthpiece. If you thought the BBC was bad, it has nothing on its bastardized clone. Canada’s public broadcaster—despite its cute mandate to reflect the views of all Canadians—has devoted itself to mocking Conservative Leader Prime Minister Stephen Harper, all the while lauding and defending Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau. ...
 Read on ...

[via sda]


  1. Typical. Someone disagrees with your world view and they're biased but when the report in a supportive manner, they're fucking journalistic geniuses. Poor persecuted Cons. However will you survive? Boo hoo hoo.

  2. I spent many years in the news business and I can spot bias when I see it. As far as the CBC (and most of the media)are concerned Harper is BAD. Why, he makes their jobs harder, after all and he doesn't stand for the same left wing artsy-fartsy stuff they do. You can almost see the spittle drooling from the mouths of some of these "reporters" as they "report" the news. And then there are people who call themselves "journalists" who really write nothing , ever, but anti Harper venom. I am not particularly a Harper fan...far from it....but I do stand for truth in reporting and not one sided garbage.

  3. Anonymous #1, Get a clue. The CBC is a massively taxpayer funded organization. Its mandate is to "inform" all Canadians and NOT to "promote" any particular political party's agenda or "world view" over any other party's. It is an unfortunately obvious fact that the CBC routinely violates its own broadcast standards which forbid it from doing so. It is corrupt and the sooner it is privatized the better.

    Anonymous #2. I agree. The CBC, like many leftist ideologues these days, suffers from Harper derangement syndrome. While Harper may not be their ideological 'cup of tea' he is hardly the evil destroyer they try to make him out to be. On your own regard (or otherwise) for Harper, there are lots like you. Some say they'll "hold their noses" and vote Conservative. That's because when they do hold their noses it's not nearly enough to suppress the stench coming from the alternatives.

  4. The CBC and its "reporters" are clearly biased in favour of the leftist cause, in this case the retarded snow board instructor Trudowe is portrayed as the leftist saviour, while the Conservatives are portrayed as the "bad guys". Anyone who believes the taxpayer supported "public broadcaster" should be picking sides and actively working to influence the election for the leftist side are solely those that see a benefit in corrupting the electoral process simply for their own gain, a corruption of convenience. The Media in general are corrupt to the core, the CBC is a perfect example of this corruption, but expect all other "mainstream" media outlets to go full retard in their advocacy for the empty headed frizbee coach with the glassy vacuous eyes regurgitating his talking points. In the next two weeks the Media, including the CBC will torque up the "Liberal" culture war tactics, continue attacking the Conservatives while continuing to give the "Liberal" boy puppet a free ride and glowing co-ordinated coverage. The Media will pull out all the stops to try and get the hair inserted into the PMO, ethics be damned.

  5. With the Liberals promising more funding to the CBC if they are elected, how can they expect to maintain any form of neutrality in their coverage? Objective reporting I hardly think so. Sell the whole corporation off, the sooner the better.

  6. Canada's Public Broadcaster? Then hold a telethon like all the others do & leave tax funding alone. I don't think they'd make enough from their supporters to pay the high priced front office staff.
