Sunday, October 25, 2015

How to stamp out cultural Marxism

In a single generation:
It is ... no mistake that cultural Marxists in the form of "social justice warriors", PC busybodies and feminists tend to create artificial divisions between people and “classes” while attacking and homogenizing very real and natural divisions between individuals based on biological reality and inherent genetic and psychological ability.

... The insane lie that cultural Marxists seem to have conned themselves and others into believing is that their “activism” is somehow anti-establishment. In fact, social justice is constantly coddled and supported by the establishment. ... Cultural Marxists ARE the establishment.


  1. It would help to have actual examples of people you consider to be 'cultural Marxists' with examples of the policies you think exemplify their Marxism. Or are you using the term 'Marxist' as some sort of vacuous insult with no connection to any actual historical figure or body of thought?

  2. You're the one being "vacuous" and insulting here, Steven. These are not my ideas, and they've been around for a long time. The media, the halls of academia and the web abound with social justice warriors, PC busybodies and feminists. Just for fun, why don't you look up any university's "Women's Studies" faculty and the courses they offer. They're all indoctrination mills for this loopy ideology. Their students all come out spouting nonsensical anti-capitalist group-think and extolling their fascination for Marxism.

  3. Sorry, my first comment somehow posted twice. You still have not identified any specific individuals that you are so upset with. I did read the link you provided. It at least mentions specific people, Gramsci, Lukacs, Marcuse, Adorno (all Europeans, and the only one of these who had much actual impact in the US and that was the 1960s is Marcuse). Can you point to a specific Women's Studies course taught by an actual person to actual people whose content you object to? My daughter has taken such a course back in the early years of this century at the University of Toronto and we had many discussions about it. I thought most of the content was good and helped her think through issues bothering her in her own life and helped shape her career (she dropped out of U of T to my dismay, learned a skill, and is having a good career). I note that the US link you provided also has an attack on multiculturalism. Is this part of the same vague complex of ideas you object to?

  4. It's a huge field. Most, if not all, humanities faculties at most, if not all, western universities are saturated with radical "studies" in gender, feminism, multiculturalism, western imperialism, ... . York University, for example, offers an introductory course using a textbook written by a UCLA Berkley professor. For a sample of her work read this, if you can stand to. It's dense, irrefutable (as in unscientific, cannot be proved or disproved) theory and supposition but you'll get the drift. Most journalists will have been exposed to it one way or another in J-schools. So for some the best examples of the ideology being fed directly or indirectly to the public, follow the Toronto Star (Heather Mallick for example), the UK Guardian, the CBC and the BBC and many mainstream media outlets in the USA including the NYT. They are very much politically left and far left of center and at the forefront of the culture wars.

  5. The media is abysmal and a social media rather that a research media networking system.

    So in order to get back to a true 'think for yourself', quit being brainwashed environment this group of sheeple would need for satellites to be shot out of the air.
    That way they would be forced to sit with their family and play games and have intellectual discussions around a un - brainwashed table?. Go for walks, do math long division and reignite their library card.

    NOW.....NONE of my stellar and intelligent family members approaching this stage of their lives will attend a Canadian University. LIBERALS have destroyed the fabric of what a conversation should be and if fact turned it into what it MUST BE for their ideology. THAT is NOT healthy dialogue. THAT IS mind control. They are disgusting.

  6. I see I have dropped in to a place where rational conversation and use of actual evidence is not welcome. Sorry to have disturbed your world view. If you want a rational conversation, one not based on ideology but facts on the ground, let me know.

  7. JR - so education is actually "indoctrination" - well if that's the case then you must be one of the least indoctrinated persons I've ever come across - congratulations being one of the few willing to argue FOR remaining in ignorance. Jackass.

  8. wow. some of those who posted answers fail to see the forest right in front of them and want you to name the trees. so says old white guy.

  9. old white guy, you've got that right!

    Greg, you twit, indoctrination is what happens in schools when an ideology is pressed on students without presenting opposing ideas on an equal footing. It's why so many "social justice" warriors are being graduated with degrees in the humanities, a rapt fascination for Marxism and chomping at the bit to save the world from capitalism - plus a politically correct attitude towards everything else. They've been trained to value that which has proven disastrous every time it has been tried over that which has proven monumentally beneficial. They've been taught to resent the source of their freedom, wealth and their crappy "education".

    Finally, Steven Forth, you ingrate, you've had nothing but polite, rational responses, considering your snark (which, btw, nicely matches your photo). You've been pointed towards the evidence. You're either too lazy to look for it or your mind was already made up. The latter now seems obvious. So buzz off!
