Saturday, November 21, 2015

Bill Maher to Christia Freeland, on Islam - "people like you are the problem"

On Bill Maher's Real Time, Christia Freeland, one of our prize new Liberal cabinet ministers, plays the cultural and moral relativism cards to defend Islam.  Maher says "... people like you are the problem".

Good grief! What a moron - an all too typically liberal moron.

Maher couldn't have been more right. But he could have been a lot more brutal about it, like he would have been were he debating a conservative.

Update: Here's JJ McCullough on the same theme.


  1. Sometimes the obvious is like the nose on your face - Liberals would rather apologize and demonize than face the mirror. And anyone who thinks what is happening in Europe, Africa and the Middle East hasn't changed us is living a fairy tale. Please note the target environment is large and soft - shopping malls, luxury hotels, churches, schools, restaurants - its like a feast for the beasts.

  2. True, fern. And even strong criticism or ridicule from an uber-liberal like Bill Maher won't dissuade them from their recklessly pc views. It's gonna be long 4+ years.

  3. Its just impossible to discuss the subject rationally with a such a liberal fanatic. Even when Mayer mentions the astonishing no of Indonesians still supporting honour killing,she still appears fine with that. The people most likely to be offed or treated the worst,
    should they encounter ISIS, are the ones making excuses for their behaviour. She probably agrees with Stephan Dion that "climate change" is the wort problem facing us this century. With two high profile Liberal cabinet ministers like this, what are we in for?

  4. A famous ancient Greek scholar stated that tolerance and apathy are the virtues of a dying society, and she and her fellow-travellers are a prime example of how right the scholar was.

  5. Being honest the Liberals and Muslims are on the same side so why wouldn't they protect each other. Neither of them want to hear the Reason the West has been successful while the Muslim nations become hell holes.

  6. Goodness! she is rude! Interrupting the others constantly. Guess she got that from her 'boss', JT, who also interrupted constantly during the debates. Bettie

  7. Maher and his 2 male guests offered up facts with statistics and percentages while Freeland did nothing but aggressively disagree, interrupt in nothing short of an embarrassing and childish manner.
    She is supposedly one of the smart, experienced, newly elected Liberals? Listening and thoughtful thinking, embraced by factual analysis is obviously not a Liberal strength. What a joke.

  8. Freeland is a stark monument to the Librano habit of rewarding their favorite propagandists with a lush government sinecure. Freeland pimped LPC distorted narratives in the dead tree media she editorially controlled and this cabmin job was a payoff.

    Whenever she opens her pie-hole, and all this delusional libby-left rainbow unicorn farts come out, we are given a glimpse into the empty mind of fully indoctrinated LPC zombie. No thought processes evident, just reflexive spewing of utopian mantras and hollow cliché symbolism. No critical thinking is evident, and justly so, because the fully politically lobotomized Librano acolyte considers critical thought to be “negativism” or “racist-homophobic-islamophobic-fascist” etc. This is their protective denial mechanism – to name-call and dismiss without thought or argument any opposing perspective or inconvenient truth. Their belief system is holy and it must be evangelized to promote the Librano beliefs, protect the sacred lib-left dogmas and realize the single party Librano state.

    These people (Lib-left-Progs) are the worst type of religious fanatics. Their god and their bible are a twisted patchwork of leftist politics and authoritarian statism – most of which is incompatible with constitutional freedom and unprejudiced rule of law – very much like the radical intolerant Islamists they apologize for.
