Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The new cabinet: the good news, and the bad

The biggest problem isn't in the cabinet, it's the Marxist eco-radical and Trudeau best pal, Gerald Butts, in the PMO:


  1. It is always disturbing to see a ideologue assume power in the PMO, and with Butts the concern is justified. He is credited with being a prime architect of Ont's disastrous Green Energy fantasy. This policy has seen many acres of prime crop land paved over by access roads and pads for industrial wind plants. Even though Ont has thousands of acres of crown land, and marginal land, The Wind companies prefer drained, easily accessible flat land on which to build. These ares removed from production are irreplaceable and will never be fully returned to agriculture.
    Butts will no doubt devise green policies that will do for Canada, what they did for the Ont economy, increase energy costs to such an extanr that Ont became a have not province.

  2. When Canada is totally a have not province what then?

  3. To answer Anon's question - when Canada becomes a have not country it will use Equalization policy to redistribute the poverty.

  4. Gerald and Friends - what could possibly go wrong?

  5. Trudeau cabinet has more horse power than a Harper cabinet. I can feel Harper's pain that he had to shut up his ministers and give them Mickey Mouse talking points.
