Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Elections Canada partisan, corrupt

Brian Lilley:
Elections Canada offered a sole sourced contract worth nearly $1 million to the Assembly of First Nations to engage in voter outreach even as key members of the organization made highly partisan statements calling for the defeat of the Conservative government. ...


  1. "Elections Liberal" is more like it... EC doing what they were invented to do, get "Liberals" elected anyway, anyhow, while they attack any and all opposition to "Liberal" rule. Third world despotic regimes have nothing on the agents of Trudopistan.

  2. Never let an opportunity for outrage over a faux conspiracy pass you by

    Too rich. This from a supporter of the party that cheated and was caught in every election they won and then crafted legislation to weaken the investigative powers of EC. You CPC trolls are too funny. Thanks for the laughs.

  3. I am in one of the newly created ridings in BC, and shortly after the election was talking with a fellow who had been a scrutiniser at a poll in the same riding. He was shocked by what EC had allowed to take place. The Liberal candidate in the riding, an East Indian fellow, was unknown outside his own community and yet never bothered to show for the candidates debate. The fellow also said that the poll he was assigned to had van loads of East Indians show up and other than the driver none of them had a voter's card/registration or any of the required ID documents required by EC to vote. The driver of each van claimed that they all lived on the farm. The fellow said they contacted EC who said they must be allowed to vote regardless. I have to wonder then what exactly is the purpose or use of EC.

    Before some troll attempts to make an issue here, I want to make it clear I am not saying, nor do I believe, that all East Indians act in this manner. The responsibility here clearly lies with EC who failed to carry out their mandate according to law.

  4. Anon I have not heard about the Conservative cheating during this election.
    I would very much appreciate a list of how the Conservatives Cheated. SARC OFF

  5. Anon (5:20 PM) - Exactly! And he's also probably an EC employee.

    Alain, if that's what happened, and I don't doubt it for a second, I hope that scrutineer filed a formal complaint.
