Sunday, December 20, 2015

Papal encyclical on global warming splits the church

The papal Laudato Si’ encyclical on global warming .... has prompted reportedly heated exchanges between senior church figures, at a recent top level meeting in Rome.
"...Argentinean Bishop ... Sorondo, a close advisor to Pope Francis ... stressed that the pope’s declarations on the gravity of global warming ... are magisterial teaching equivalent to the teaching that abortion is sinful
... Father Joseph Fessio, SJ ... who obtained his doctorate in theology under Joseph Ratzinger ... told LifeSiteNews, “Neither the pope nor Bishop Sorondo can speak on a matter of science with any binding authority, so to use the word ‘magisterium’ in both cases is equivocal at best, and ignorant in any case.” Fr. Fessio added, “To equate a papal position on abortion with a position on global warming is worse than wrong; it is an embarrassment for the Church.” "


  1. This Pope is doing a tremendous amount of damage to the Catholic faith, he should stop playing politics and using the church as his personal communist bully pulpit. The man is a huge disappointment.

  2. I am disappointed in how the Pope has embraced every trendy cause. I will keep the lights on in my local parish but not a penny will go to the causes he supports. Infallibility does not extend to his worldly pet projects.

  3. Though it is encouraging to see some of the clergy openly criticizing the pope's (and his advisor's) loopier statements.
