Sunday, January 10, 2016

"Nothing to do with Islam"

As Barack Hussein Obama, the idiot mayor of Philadelphia this week and other useful idiots on the lib/left repeat ad-nauseam whenever terrorists strike, obviously motivated by Islam, that it had "nothing to do with Islam (religion of peace)".

Not that it is needed, but more strong evidence of Islam's culpability came with a recently published study of suicide attacks worldwide in 2015 which documented 452 attacks worldwide of which 450 were committed by Muslims:
... Of course, we cannot avoid mentioning the religious element as the most significant factor that motivates the suicide terrorists throughout the world. Here’s the most dramatic statistic: 450 of 452 suicide terror attacks in 2015 were perpetrated by Muslim extremists. One of the remaining two attacks was carried out by the Kurdish underground. The other was perpetrated by a woman supporter of a leftist group in Turkey.
Note that the Israeli researcher team was very careful about defining what constituted a suicide attack and how attacks were counted, noting, for example, "we consider the terror attack that took place in Paris two months ago as a single attack, even though there were seven suicide terrorists.”



  1. Have you ever actually met a Muslim in person or been to a majority Muslim country. I have in both cases and can say most are not violent terrorists or backwards people. Yes some exist in Islam, but the religion is quite diverse. In fact of the Muslims I know in Canada most dress like Canadians do and most drink despite the fact Islam prohibits alcohol and few pray five times a day as required.

    I have been to three majority Muslim countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey) while more religious and conservative than Canada, there hardly hotbeds of fundamentalism. The few women I saw wearing the niqab were all tourists and in fact most of the time I've seen women wearing niqabs, it was in Canada or Western Europe, not those countries. Most wore the hijab, although not all. There were actually fewer restrictions on alcohol than in most Canadian provinces (i.e. sold at grocery and corner stores) and except Malaysia the other two enjoyed freedom of religion while in Malaysia only Malays must be Muslim, all other ethnicities can practice whatever religion they want. In fact I was in Malaysia and Indonesia when the Paris attack happened and during that time I got to ask my guides who were all Muslim more about the religion and they were quite happy to explain it.

    Otherwise Islam is not the bad religion many right wingers claim it is. Perhaps you should maybe go visit a mosque and ask the imam about Islam and you would learn more about it instead of spouting off this hatred. Never mind in the Lower Mainland where you live, the largest Muslim community is the Iranians (found mostly on the North Shore) who are overwhelmingly university educated and quite secular. In fact they came to Canada to escape the theocracy in Iran.

    Never mind some Conservatives like David Cameron and George W. Bush have both reached out to the Muslim community understanding that isolating them will not help and it is working with them. George W. Bush visited a mosque in the week after 9/11 and repeated many times most Muslims are peaceful law abiding citizens.

  2. @ anon: One could also say that not all Germans were Nazis or that all Nazis were not bad, neither one changing a thing. Having actually lived and worked in a Muslim majority country for some years and having visited many others, you seem to be either very naive or dishonest. I have seen how those otherwise "peaceful and nice" Muslims can get worked into a religious frenzy at the drop of a hat attacking and killing those who had been their friends and neighbours. More important is the fact that there is not one non Muslim country in the world where Muslims live peacefully with the people of those countries.

    If your claim were true, we would see mass demonstrations by this huge majority of peace loving Muslims against every Muslim act of violence.

  3. I am well aware that Islamic fundamentalism has a violent streak within it, but I don't think it is representative of most Muslims. Certainly far too many, although how prevalent it is varies considerably by country too. Even in the West, Islamic fundamentalism is much more of a problem in some countries than others. In Western Europe, how bad it is depends heavily on where the majority come from. In Switzerland where most are from the Balkans or Austria where most are from Turkey it's not a big problem while in Britain where most are Pakistani and Bangladeshi it is much more so. Even within some countries it varies, for example in the Netherlands, it is not an issue amongst the Indonesian community, only a minor one amongst the Turkish, while major amongst the Moroccan which suggest culture is part of it too.

  4. Anon. All the supposed moderates you speak of are apostate and as such infidels as well.

  5. ward - They are only apostates and infidels according to the fundamentalists. It's much like some Christians saying anyone who doesn't blindly follow the Bible isn't Christian. Wahhibism which is the radical sect largely comes out of the Arabian peninsula although has expanded and it is where a lot of the problems come from. In fact Islam recognizes both Judaism and Christianity and refers to them as people of the book since Mohammed claimed that Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were all prophets of God and he was only the final prophet. Likewise Islam accepts both the Old and New Testament as God's word and the Koran is simply the most updated version. Islam also judges people based on following the five pillars, not on violent jihad. In fact the five pillars are relatively easy to follow and many moderates do follow them.

    1. Belief in a single God (same as Christianity, Judaism, Bahai, Sikhism etc.)
    2. Salat - Five daily prayers facing Mecca
    3. Zakat - Give 2.5% of your income to the poor
    4. Fast during Ramadan
    5. Hajj - If financially and physically able, make a pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime to Mecca.

    Hardly sounds radical or violent to me. As mentioned the Bible has versus that condone slavery, but no Christian today follows this. Anyone can take a quote out of a book and use it for their beliefs.

  6. old white guy says........anon has posted may words but he is ignorant about just what islam is. I will suggest more reading of the Koran and the other Islamic writings. your attitude puts Canadians at peril.
