Thursday, January 14, 2016

Poll - Will Justin be a good PM?

Angus Reid wants to know:

As of 5:45 PM, not so much:


  1. If teaching Canadians how to play ultimate frisbee or how to act very very dramatically while reciting carefully written scripts or taking selfies of himself were the sole indicators of success then I"d say PM Doofy will be very very successful. In the real world however I would say the answer is clearly NO, no he won't. Jethro will be just as destructive and bad for the country as his mentally disturbed old man was, but more lispy.


  2. Socynical says...
    This, in stark contrast to the poll that the G&M reported on, which stated that over half of Canadians support and approve of the incompetent, terrorist-loving imbecile.

  3. Socynical WOW over half of Canadians that has to be the biggest poll in Canadian history.
    I was not polled and neither were my neighbours.
