Sunday, February 14, 2016

Liberals feel that learning French or English is too "burdensome" for newcomers

If you needed reminding, the most absurd phrase in the English language is: "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau".  New immigrants shouldn't have much difficulty learning it.

More proof of this absurdity is forthcoming every day with the latest being the Liberals' moves to undo the previous government's common sense immigration reforms, including relieving new immigrants of the "burden" of learning one of the official languages:

Liberals aren't just stupid, they're ridiculous morons.


  1. If you cannot speak the language it is pretty tough to find a job meaning the person will be on social assistance. Besides English and French are some of the world's most widely known languages so there is no shortage of people globally who can speak one of our two official languages. Around 1.5 billion people globally are capable of conversing in one of our two official languages so why not focus more on immigration amongst those. As someone who has travelled to 32 languages, I can tell you learning English is highly desired amongst many especially younger people and so if many people in countries where English is not the official language want to learn it, why wouldn't those in a country where it is the official language want to learn it or French.

  2. I'm Justin Trudeau and you're not...

  3. old white guy says.............sanity is tough for liberals.

  4. I don't understand how or why refugees get any sort of permanent status beyond the conflicts they fled... we don't keep POW's indefinitely, nor give them entitlements.

    Many of the refugees where cleared under Harper and had been waiting since the beginning. Why the sudden rush for an influx?
    Surely there are warmer places they could of gone.
