Monday, April 4, 2016

"Hottest year ever"?

Freeze out in Northeast USA – temps in the teens overnight 
During the “hottest year ever”, we had this yesterday for the opening day of Baseball in Pittsburgh between the Pirates and the Cardinals: Pittsburgh temps in mid-30s ...
... more than 20°F below normal for April 4th around Boston. ... close to 1881 record low of 20°F ...


  1. Everything posted on the net isn't true, just as everything out of the mouth of leaders such as Obama, Trudeau or Kathleen Wnne isn't accurate. The assertion that 2015 was the hottest year on record doesn't seem to be consistent with the accepted reality now of no appreciable warming since 1998. Obviously the catch here is the "on record" part; turns out comparable records go back only till 1880s. It makes a more dramatic statement to imply the warmest year ever; but such an assertion is nonsense.
    For a look at how measurement is manipulated by climate extremists see this posting by Milton Conservative. Mar 3.

    Since the original AGW scare ran out of stem as increased C02 outputs failed to produce expected accelerating temperatures,politicians have reinterpreted the danger as "Climate Change" Note that this condition is not measurable at all, it is more a feeling. Many alarmists are more comfortable with this descriptor.

  2. old white guy says.......I just drove back from Virginia today. they were expecting a freeze there overnight, april 4th and their temp will be way below what is considered normal for this time of year.

  3. When you take the sensor stations for Canada and much of Siberia out of the mix, of course the apparent average temperature will go up.
