Thursday, August 4, 2016

Liberal economist: "Conservatives are stupid and selfish"

According to a column in Tuesday’s National Post by Stephen Gordon (“Conservatives need to learn”), conservatives with both the upper-case and lower-case “C” are guilty of failing to regenerate themselves intellectually by thinking more like their opponents.  
... according to Gordon, the benighted right is, in particular, failing to grasp the benefits of “carbon pricing.” But surely Gordon, a professor of economics, knows the difference between a market price and a tax. Has he forgotten that it was a conservative, Preston Manning, who promoted the Big Lie of not calling a carbon tax a tax? ...


  1. WOW11111 I guess we knuckle draggers refuse to lean from our ; SUPERIOR' leftist colleagues. SARC OFF

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The irony is that in their bubble the leftists actually believe they are not selfish and are generous, however even a wee bit of research shows this to be another leftist myth, or lie in my books. Leftists never come near conservatives when it comes to donating to charities, and they are only generous when it comes to other people's money.

  4. old white guy says...............communists and other stripes of socialism are evil and hate people.

  5. old white guys says.............I must add one more thought. idiots who want to reduce carbon are carbon based organisms, living on a carbon based planet, in a carbon based universe, they really are very stupid people. They should be the first to eliminate their carbon footprint so the rest of we carbon based idiots can live in peace.

  6. So we increase the costs to our clean industry which will result in more production moving to the dirty coal powered industry in China.
    So more pollution and CO2, not less.
