Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Trudeau Liberal record so far

Graeme Gordon summarizes the Liberal's performance to date, and isn't impressed, to say the least. He closes with some advice for our boy PM:
... Justin Trudeau should learn from Oscar Wilde’s sole novel’s protagonist. Dorian Gray appears publicly to be an honourable man of eternal youth, but underlying superficial appearances he is dissolute, lazy, narcissistic, and corrupt. 
... Trudeau still has three more years, possibly many more, to determine his self-portrait–the true picture beneath all the selfies and perfectly-edited photos courtesy of his 24/7 personal photographer. He’d best heed the importance of being earnest and frugal.


  1. PM Potato is an idiot, a snowboard instructing moron with a name and everyone knows it, even Potatoheads Media fan club know he's an idiot they just ignore this obvious fact because the Potato is the Globalists little puppet and the Media are the mouthpieces for the Globalist fascists... their on the same team. Nothing the Potato head does will matter as Trudopiastan is chalk full of bigger idiots than PM POtato. The whole country could be unemployed except for 100's of thousands of Government parasites and the Potato would still win the next election. Nothing will stop the Globalist agenda in Trudopiastan, the populace is far too dumb and adrift. The country is lost for good and the shirtless dipshit will be the celebrity nit-wit leading the final sell-off cheered on by a hopelessly corrupt Media and a herd of suicidal Mellenial morons. PM Potatobrain will be PM for as long as the Globalists want, I would say for at least the next 20 years, better get used to it, and frankly who cares as any country that would elect a drama teacher to the highest office in the land isn't a country worth worrying about. Trudopia is a country of Potato's led by a Potato.

  2. It's early going, but I wouldn't say I've been overly impressed. He is certainly trying to do everything to please people but the problem is when you do this thats how you end up in fiscal trouble as you eventually run out of money. While a minority right now, I find his image more of a turn off than turn on. I think of being prime-minister as a serious job not one for a celebrity style one and I like one his knowledgeable and serious. I guess we shall see what happens but considering his policies closely mimic Wynne and McGuinty and Wynne now has an approval rating under 20% lets see how long it lasts. I think his best chance in 2019 will be more the NDP is so weak there won't be a split on the left and within the Tories, the party has had trouble attracting any really strong candidate (although one might impress or perhaps maybe the winning candidate hasn't entered yet).

  3. The Potato Media.....The Potato Report.....

  4. Heh, Yes Jr. is "Little Potato", and his dip-shit daddy, "Big Potato".

  5. La petite patat's fall from grace will come when the unemployment benefits run out for all those unemployed from the energy sector returned to Ontario realize it has nothing but entry level service jobs to offer - watch.
