Sunday, November 20, 2016

The left's lies about Stephen Bannon

Stefan Molyneux thoroughly de-bunks leftist smears against Steve Bannon.  He discusses the left's smear tactics, the hypocrisy, anti-semitism, racism and cowardice in their rhetoric about "white" nationalism.  Molyneux also concludes that the left's claims to champion diversity are phony; the left is not pro-diversity, they are only "pro-all-groups-who-vote-for-the-left" - it's why, for example, they support open borders - for votes. If they thought that poor Mexican border jumpers would vote Republican instead of (overwhelmingly) Democrat, they'd be clamouring for a giant wall - diversity be damned.


  1. Of course the Left lies about him, because the whole ideology of the Left is built on lies. That is why the Left lies about everything.

  2. And what's worse is that they actually believe each other's lies and put them up front and center on lib/left media. But for the internet, the only messages that we would ever receive about Trump and his supporters would be liberal lies.

  3. A rule of thumb I use, which to date has never failed, is when the Left go into hysterics over something or someone I know nothing about, I can be certain that the person or issue is doing something good. Count on the truth being consistently the opposite of their claims. It works every time.
