Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bill Maher, racist: "...Obama .. half-black...there's a white man in him holding him back ..."

From The Blaze:

"... just imagine the uproar if Maher said Obama’s problem is that he was half white and that “there’s a [black] man in him holding him back because everything is half-assed.”


  1. Bill Maher is a vicious, little man - and I don't mean his physical stature. Its the left that can't let go of race. A dreary, sad caricature of tolerance and understanding. Cheers. FernStAlbert

  2. "Vicious" is the word all right. And the left is convinced they're "caring" and "tolerant" and "generous" (they are but with other people's money) etc ...etc. In other words, "delusional".

  3. It's a mental illness. They actually think that what they think should be, is in fact reality. Massive mental illness, no doubt about that.

  4. half black, half white all african and all commie. sad state of affairs in the u.s.
