Monday, September 20, 2010

This is what happens when your Premier gets nailed for drunk driving

When your Premier gets caught driving dead drunk and survives the political fall-out ...

the safety zealots push for and get ridiculously harsh laws.

No one condones drunk driving because it's drunks who do the damage. And those same drunks are going to ignore the new laws the way they ignored the old ones. But someone with a blood alcohol level of .08 is not "drunk". In fact up until today it was considered safe to drive at that level. The people that will be unjustly punished are those caught with blood alcohol between .05 and .08. Oh, and don't forget the damage to businesses that rely on selling a glass of beer or wine with dinner.

So, thanks Premier Campbell, you drunken sot! Too bad you didn't get the boot back in 2003.


  1. It is already .05 in Ontario and it is not because of a drunken premier. It is what happens when a special interest group get what it originally asks for and then finds that it has no purpose. So it asks for more. In a year or so it will be asking for 0 for everyone. Kind of makes you MAD don't it.

  2. Damned mad! And, yup, the zero limit is coming - just like: "...there's no safe level of secondary smoke".

  3. When I was a young man I had drunk and drove a few times, I was stupid and people did that then. Today I drink very little rarely and I don't drink and drive but even so I think the laws have gone overboard. The few lives saved by this draconian mentality overshadows the loss of freedom it extracts from most citizens. I'm not talking about people that are nailed, I'm talking about stopping traffic, punching plates and the right to pull somebody over for just a hunch as excuse to find anything they can. I suspect that governments love this due to the collection of 'taxes' resulting from the fines. Sadly the public is cowed due to political correctness and media programming. Rather, it should be social and individual responsibility rather than the police state that governs our behaviour. Lastly, I always felt that I drove better in fact when a bit tired or even with a few drinks amazingly enough. (real conservative)

  4. I can drive better than most of the people on the road at .08, as can most of the grown-ups. This is all PC crap.

  5. Anons,
    I don't know what the actual stats are but my guess is that for the vast, vast majority of accidents "involving alcohol", the drivers tested well above .08. And "police state" is a good name for the direction we seem to be headed.

    meta, And so was the BC referendum on aboriginal land claims that Campbell held and then ignored or did an about-face. Then there's the HST. Campbell's a serial lyin' weasel.

  6. Good evening

    Definitely gonna recommend this post to a few friends

  7. Wow, that's crazy man. They should really try to do something to fix that.

  8. Wow, that's crazy man. They should really try to do something to fix that.
