Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Supremely contemptible decision

In its cowardly, politically correct "Whatcott" decision today, the Supreme Court has delivered a blow against free speech.  Ezra Levant predicts a surge in "hate" speech complaints to "human rights" commissions and tribunals:

Right now I'm feeling hatred and contempt for our Supreme Court justices.  In other words ...


  1. did anyone expect a supreme court packed with socialists do gooders to rule in any other way??? the court hates Christians and all those who know that homosexuality is perversion.

  2. Speaking of contemptible, the above post ^ certainly qualifies.
    Oh, and I'm a card-carrying Conservative.

  3. Aaaawww Anon #2 (7:12 AM) is unhappy. sniff blubber.

    Did someone treat your precious gays with anything less than complete deference? How dare they!

    By the way card carrying conservative? Perhaps you can shove your conservative card right where your boyfriend likes to shove his - y'know.

  4. Long past the time to get rid of Trudeaus imposed "Charter". This latest decision from the sorcerers of the "Supreme Court" is yet another example of the inherent dangers that lie within that diseased document. Trudeau imposed his flawed group rights "charter" and it's time for Canadians to finally have their say, and get rid of it. A diseased document from a diseased mind is not the path to freedom, but rather tyranny.
