Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Supreme Court distributes anti-gay literature world-wide

Bill Whatcott personally distributed printed copies of his anti-homosexual flyers.  Distribution of his supposed "hatred" was, therefore, extremely limited.

The Supreme Court expanded that distribution enormously by publishing its Whatcott decision, including  Whatcott's flyers (see below), on the internet.


  1. As usual, nobody has refuted anything stated in the leaflets.

    Truth no longer is any defense.

    The gay activist movement was Marxist from the get-go. Its purpose was, and is, to break down the social order and to attack Christianity.

  2. It would seem that that is also the intention of Bev McGlachlin and the Stupid Court of Canada.

  3. i support keeping homosexuality out of all schools and the public venues.

  4. Man-on-boy sexual practices are world wide and as old as human history, making it a bit of a stretch to tout this publication as anything of importance.

  5. Let me get this straight. SCOC low lifes declare Whatcott's letter to be hate speech, therefore illegal. SCOC low lifes distribute hate speech letter & break their own law. Will the SK. Human rights tribunal charge the SCOC?

    This is getting absurd. We have the most ruthlessly activist and left wing top court in history and not a peep out of every lawyer in Canada. I gues those sacks of shit must be ok with it.

  6. If Stephen Harper were serious about cutting spending he would dissolve th federal human right commission and he would cut transfers to provinces with HRCs by an amount equal to that of their HRC's last published budget.

    If you can afford to pay scumbag lawyers to bully people then we are obviously tranferring too much money to you.
