Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Home grown morons ...

become foreign inspired terrorists:
A man and woman from B.C. have been arrested and charged in a terror plot targeting the B.C. legislature in Victoria on Canada Day.

 ... John Stewart Nuttall, in his late 30s, and Amanda Marie Korody, in her late 20s, both from Surrey, B.C., built explosive devices they planned to detonate at the provincial parliament buildings as part of an attack inspired by al-Qaida ideology.

... A terrorism expert said it's likely the duo were converts to radical Islam and coached in the alleged plot. ...


  1. dmorris: The only problem I have with that is they'd destroy a perfectly good home... and the landlord lives upstairs.

    Otherwise, I agree.

  2. lol...your title amde me think of HArper-wright-duffy
