Saturday, February 8, 2014

How our immigration system went wrong

George Jonas:
... The assumption, unspoken but taken for granted until the 1960s, was that immigration was beneficial as long as it was designed to serve the interests of the host society first

... It was in the past 40 years that the immigrant of dubious loyalty emerged, followed by the disloyal native-born, sometimes of immigrant ancestry, sometimes of Islamic conversion. The new immigrant seemed ready to share the West’s wealth but not its values.

... How did this come about? Three reasons stand out.
One, we retreated from the principle that immigration should serve the interests of the host country first.  ...

Next, we tried to turn this liability into an asset by promoting multiculturalism....

Finally, in fundamentalist Islam, we’ve come up against a culture for which the very concept of rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s is alien.  ...
.... When Canada is no longer regarded as a culture, with its own traditions and narratives, but a clean slate for anyone to write on what he will, immigrants of the new school will be ready with their own texts, including some that aren’t very pleasant


  1. Very well put. I blame the liberal governments a 110%. I also blame Stephan Harper just the same. Harper has been a bigger sales guy for multiculturalism since his election in 2006. Harper is just as phoney as Pierre Trudeau and his little boy Justine. The Fraser institute released a report a few years back saying that immigration costs us 26 billion a year. This was under the direct watch of Stephan Harper. Harper has acted just like a liberal and he fooled everybody.

  2. I would love to know how much we have spent on added security costs with the increase in immigration from Muslim countries.

  3. Under Jason Kenney's watch the Harper government has made some meaningful changes to the immigration system.

    As for multiculturalism, I think it's natural, and unavoidable in a free society, for newcomers to import some of their traditions. People should be free to maintain their cultural traditions, but on their own dime and time and as long as they don't conflict with Canadian core values. It's the 'official' government promoted multiculturalism that is problematic. Governments should not be promoting anything but programs aimed at unifying Canadians and Canadian traditions and values.

  4. The purpose of multi cult is to destroy something that already exists, and to cast adrift a nations values and history while simultaneously estranging the citizens from those values and from historical content. In other words, Multi-cult is cultural Marxism, but by another name. The host country must bend over backwards to accommodate the cultural needs of the new comer while the host country insists this accommodation not be reciprocated ultimately leading to the destruction of the host nation while sliding into a tribal mess. Multi-cult selects which cultures will be respected and finacially supported while the host culture is left to wither and die. Multi-cult is designed to destroy the host country's culture. Under the rules of multi-cult the host country's culture is the sole culture without meaning and undeserving of respect, understanding, or preservation. Multi-cult is pure cultural Marxism, it appeals to the race hustlers, tribalists and the greivance mongers who don't give a damn about the host country.

  5. off topic but important the overselling of Global Warming
    are we finally seeing the truth about Global Warming?
    I hope so.
