Saturday, February 8, 2014

Justin Trudeau's "one-purge-fits-all style"

Rex Murphy:
Mr. Trudeau’s one-purge-fits-all style offers no gradation, no evaluation of individuals, no acknowledgement that some Senators are honourable, some have worked well for Canadians, some have not seen the Senate as a lottery pit for their own enrichment.

As a response to the Senate’s problems, Mr. Trudeau’s publicity-winning move is glib rather than profound, a sloughing off of the problem rather than a real addressing of it.  Ultimately, “go away” is not a policy.


  1. 8 years as PM, what has Harper done? Appointed 58 cronies to the Senate. Which he promised never to do. You've been had. So much anger for liberals so much blindness for conservatives.

  2. Actually PM Harper made an offer to the Provinces that if they would elect Senators he would appoint them.
    Leaving the Senate seats empty was just allowing the Liberal rump to jam all legislation
    Only Alberta did so.
    There have been proposals made and rejected.
    Did not Mr Trudeau reject any change because in his view Quebec had more Senators than the other Provinces.
    Mr Trudeau purging his Loyal Senators from Cacus is very Chairman Mao.
    But then he has expressed his admiration of Communists as did his father.
    At least Pierre Trudeau as reported in Mr Plomondon's book admitted he was a Communist to the US Ambassadors wife.
    Junior is an embarassment.JMO

  3. Anon 2, I agree. Stephen Harper never promised not to fill Senate seats. He said he wanted to reform the Senate. Until he was able to do so he would have been a fool to let the seats lie empty for a potential successor government to fill - especially when he was in a shaky minority position.

    But did he try hard enough to bring about reform? I think not, but what do I know?

    And yes, to everyone but some (not all) loyal Liberals and airheaded fans Junior Trudeau is an embarrassment.

  4. "Did PM Harper try hard enough"? Well JR he did make a proposal that could as any offer garnered a counter proposal.
    What did he get back?
    What Junior Trudeau (JT) did was issue an edict.
    JT threw his most senior people away, that I think will haunt him.
    This is not a partisan thing with me, I would like to see a strong intelligent opposition.
    I am not seeing that, I am seeing an in over his head rich "kid"
    Bubba Brown

  5. It's more than slightly ironic that when the empty headed son of a former commie PM behaves like a dictator and is then cheered on by sycophantic fans of the Liberal party who's largest complaint against PM Harper is that he behaves like dictator. It's obvious to me that the sole purpose for Justines handlers to order him to pretend to fire the Liberal Senators was to get out in front of the AG's audit, nothing more, nothing less. The big question that will need to be answered when the AG's audit becomes public will be who exactly leaked the AG's report to the Liberal backroom boys. Junior does as he's told to do, he doesn't why, he just does it because Justine is essentially as sharp as a hole the ground.

  6. The Conservative "A*****e" Machine?
    Young Mr Trudeau is filling in the blanks all on his own.
    Media is tearing itself a new one, helping him out.
    What would a fair person call the "Conservative documents" plan to disrupt the Liberal convention?
    This of course was obtained by the "Star".
    Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
    I will not link to this steaming pile of crap.
    In any case JT has already disrupted his own Convention, throwing his most senior people under the big red bus.
    He is going to be going into a very hostile room IMO
    So the "Star" starts yelling "Look a Squirrel"
    Why on earth would the Conservative party want to interfere?
    Mr Trudeau has some explaining to do to his party, enjoy.
    JMO Sir.
    Bubba Brown

  7. Calling Mr. Trudeau Justine weakens any argument one presents. It is just childish school yard name-calling.
    It is so easy to make an intelligent for his shortfalls and not demean oneself.
    Just saying...

  8. How does calling Justine his name, Justine, weaken any argument? His name is Justine, that is the name his parents gave him and that is how it is spelled. Just because Justine's handlers think it would be better to change Justine's name to Justin doesn't mean everyone else has to follow. If you don't like Justine's name blame his parents, they're the ones that gave him that name and that is the way they spelled it... Justine. Get over it!
