Sunday, November 30, 2014

"It is difficult to conceive a more retrograde idea ..."

Rex Murphy:
.... it is with more grief than anger that I caught the story of an Ottawa “vigil” this week, held after a Missouri grand jury said it would not charge police officer Darren Wilson in the death of Ferguson teenager Michael Brown. Organizers of the rally asked “white/non-black allies” to “refrain from taking up space” and “never be the centre of anything.” 

That last phase “never be at the centre of anything” is particularly troubling. It is so defiantly categorical and universally — “anything” — dismissive.

The phrase and the other gibberish attending it should serve as a motto for every meeting and seminar dedicated to diversity as the governing motto for how not to engage with social issues, how not to bridge the real differences that can exist between people. ...
Rex's column is a very thoughtful take on a good example of what our universities are churning out these days.  Humanities faculties at virtually every university, against all logic, embrace  hare-brained, radical, po-mo social theories as if they were established scientific fact.  It has become what most "progressives" accept unquestioningly as mainstream thought.  The damage done to students' brains, society at large and to tax payers' wallets is enormous.


  1. I did not know all of the black people in Ferguson were humanities graduates. Your comment is classic retard conservative thinking you take something stupid and then link it to your pet cause to trash. What does Ferguson have to do with universities?

  2. Anonymous posted at 5:39 12/01/14 a perfect example of "what our universities are churning out these days." Damaged students' brains! Nony missed the point of the blog completely, but didn't let that stop the flow of vitriol from his/her keyboard. "Classic retard conservative thinking!" Yup, sounds like a highly educated humanities graduate to me. BTW, I'm 'non-white', I live in Canada, I vote conservative, and I never went to university. I also think that: Mike Brown got what he deserved, the Ferguson rioters are idiots, and the people protesting in Ottawa are really stupid.

  3. As a white person who hasn't had to go through the discrimination the Black community has had simply because of their skin colour, I avoid talking on these cases. Until you've walked a mile in their shoes, you just look silly. Open racism may be a thing of the past, but subtle racism is not and as such we should be sympathetic to what others have gone through.

  4. Exactly, Thisisnotme. And Anon @2:33:00 also misses the point, albeit more politely.

    Rex was by no means advocating NOT being sympathetic to black, or any other victims of racism. In fact, just the opposite.

    Both anons appear to have been firmly indoctrinated in junk social theory and, sadly, have come away with little ability to read, think and understand any other idea.

  5. I don't get it. What do Ferguson black people have to do with university graduates? Are you saying black people think like they have a university degree. Your thinking is so muddled. It is surprising that you think that an unarmed black man deserved to be shot. BTW, in your picture you look really white. Is that really you?

  6. JR, after reading nony@7:13 I would like to suggest that you amend the last line in your comment to read; "Both anons appear to have been firmly indoctrinated in junk social theory and, sadly, have come away with little ability to read, think and understand any ----- idea."

    Nony@7:13, JR's post wasn't about blacks in Ferguson being university graduates. I read it as being about university graduates who are not being taught how to think 'for themselves'. Instead, they are being taught to regurgitate unproven social theory as if it were solid scientific fact. In other (little) words, these kids are pumped full of garbage and told not to think for themselves, just accept what the (crockpot) teacher said. Don't look at the actual facts, just chant what the mob is saying...

    Nony, 2+2 will always equal 4. In a vacuum a ton of feathers will fall at the same speed as a ton of lead. These are facts.
    Another fact is 'if you attack a cop in his car, start to run away, and then turn and run back at the cop, the cop will shoot you until you stop.'
    Now here's a pop quiz for you, nony. My ancestors came to North America from the west long before people built ships big enough to cross oceans. That means I'm a ...........

  7. Well Nony, you must be an honours graduate from a new age academic institution. You're well able in the skill of misleading obfuscation.
    #1) Bering Strait Land Bridge. First Nations. Not Chinese.
    #2) The land you come from only exists in fantasy. Pixies and unicorns also live in your land.
    #3) If you persist in the narrative of M. Brown being shot in the back as he ran away, you can't expect rational people to treat you as an adult. Three separate autopsies, one of them paid for by M. Brown's family, said 'no bullets in back'.

    You've proved JR premise about the humanities was correct, so anymore flogging of your dead horse is pointless. Goodbye Nony.

  8. Thanks for your comments, Thisisnotme, well said. And your suggested amendment to my comment above is a good one. Consider it done.

    What's to be done about our university humanities faculties? Junk academics taught by professors with junk degrees are a waste and a menace. Here's another example from today's National Post - 20% of a grade for a course was awarded for participating in a phony "protest".
