Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tarek Fatah hammers smug Liberal Senator

Liberal Senator Grant Mitchell, a smug, arrogant, self-righteous, finger-waving tool ("pr*ck" for short), met more than his match at a recent Senate hearing, when he tried to lecture Tarek Fatah on Islam:


It's good to see that this video is receiving such wide attention.

Here's Tarek with Michael Coren. And here's Tarek's Sun column on 'de-radicalization' of Islamic radicals.

Mitchell has a reputation for smug, self-righteous arrogance.  Here are two posts from three years ago when the topic was climate change.


  1. A prayer asking for the defeat of the infidel? Is that what Trek is asking for ? I'm confused.

  2. Tareq says Muslims have prayed for 1400 years that all non-Muslims be defeated. How can you look past his message of death for us just because he is arrogant with a Liberal. Dude, you are the ultimate partisan and you went full regard with this post.

  3. Come on, Fatah cannot be trusted anymore than others of his faith.

    FYI, his daughter Natasha is one of the many ethnics on CBC Newsworld

  4. This video shows Islam arrogance and their prayer to Allah that all non-Muslims be killed. WTF is wrong with you?

  5. This post seems to have attracted nothing but dumb trolls who
    a) don't know who Tarek Fatah is, and
    b) didn't watch the video.

  6. Thank you Tarek Fatah. This country needs much more of this plain speaking to Liberal meatheads. As far as I am concerned, Progressives are just as, if not more, dangerous than Islamists.

  7. I must say that Anonymous at 4:53 just proved the point that Johndoe124 made at 1:31. Speaking of "brainless bots" it is difficult to find a better example than non Muslims lecturing a Muslim about Islam. Here in the video clip is a prime example of that.

  8. Alain, that was a Canadian lecturing a Pakistani immigrant that Muslims are not all killers who wish death on non-Muslims. But hey, if you losers want to defend Muslims death wishes then you have truly lost your way.
