Sunday, June 28, 2015

More evidence that Alberta is screwed (and Canada with it)

Alberta NDP appoints "crackpot" global warming "cult member" Dave Mowat to lead royalty review:

Ezra references this Globe and Mail article when Mowat was CEO of Vancity Credit Union which has a reputation for eco-nuttery on a variety of fronts.

How long will it take for Albertans to begin howling about (or at least acknowledging) their gross error in judgement?


  1. Harper has committed Canada to the elimination of the oil and gas industry mostly by 2050 and completely by 2099. Get with the program.

  2. You get with the program, you twit. Notley and her extremist crew have a much more rapid, economy destroying, agenda than "Harper's".

  3. I was quite disappointed with the Alberta results but if anything I think this just re-affirmed that mainstream views in Alberta are more or less the same as other provinces. Alberta stopped being a social conservative province a long time ago and more recently a fiscal conservative one too. Whether one likes it or not, all signs seem to point towards Canadians swinging leftward and wanting bigger government. Off course by nature Canada has always leaned leftwards but it seems in the last few years concerns about income inequality and lack of funding for various programs has really come to dominate public discourse. I know most on the right will hate to hear this, but it seems there is no real way to convince Canadians on the danger of left wing policies, so best to give them a try and let the public find out they don't work as well as expected. As WAC Bennett said back in 1975 when the Social Credit defeated the NDP, they needed to touch the hot stove once and then they will never go back, or more accurately at least not for a generation.

  4. Harper just ran 7 years of record deficits. Conservatism is a failure. You guys can't balance books.

  5. Stay classy JR. No need to name call, you lose the argument.

  6. Anon @2:49 You could be right but I'm not giving up on Albertans yet. If Notley et al continue on the radical path they seem to be on, the economic (and social) ramifications will soon be apparent to the electorate.

    Anon @9:17. "Twit" (look it up) is befitting of someone making that lame comment and the accompanying snark. Otherwise, I'd agree:)

  7. Looks like you're being trolled by some leftist parasite JR. As for the NDP in Alberta, well elections have consequences, and the consequences for Alberta will be very very bad indeed. While the NDP in Alberta are busy hiring every radical leftist activist and criminal in the country, they won't actually shut down the economy of Alberta until the federal election is over. When the federal election ends and the Conservatives are returned with an even larger majority Government, despite the union media campaign for the retard Jethro Trudeau and weird beard from France Mulcair, thats when the shit will hit the fan in Alberta. The NDP will destroy Alberta out of spite, which is the hallmark of self loathing marxists who are too cowardly and dishonest to even admit they're marxists. Albertans can now enjoy sky high taxes like British Columbians and Ontarians... let the good times roll.

  8. JR - I wouldn't say I've given up on Alberta, I just think like most Canadians they are left wingers at heart. Most Canadians want a fair, compassionate, and just society thus why the left has an easier time winning in this country than the right. The only problem is we live in the real world not a utopia and the policies most on the left propose are well intentioned, but rarely turnout as they want them to. The main mistake many on the left make is assuming everyone acts in altruistic ways rather than realizing humans are biologically wired to be maximizers and when you penalize those who are successful they will go elsewhere while those at the bottom who you are trying to help end up being stuck there.

    Anonymous @ 12:05 PM - I don't think it's the goal of the NDP to deliberately harm Alberta, I just think most of them are economically illiterate and base their policies on how they wish the world operated not how it actually does operate. As for Harper winning a bigger majority, highly unlikely. He is a very polarizing figure and I can attest most people I know who aren't part of his base don't like him so I expect the next election will result in a minority (which party will come in first is hard to say at this point). On the plus side for Conservatives, if the Liberals and NDP form a coalition and screw up that will make it easy for the Conservatives to mount a strong comeback and have long staying power as they can easily blame both whereas now they are fighting a two front war so when one party goes down the other goes up and the Conservatives stay flat.
