Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The censorious Media Party

The CBC is, again, attempting to censor Conservative ads showing Justin Trudeau saying something foolish:


  1. Tory hate ads should be stopped. Repurposing ISIS fear propaganda into Conservative hate propaganda is disgusting. Harper is truly immoral.

  2. @ Anonymous - Soldiers in our streets explains how moral the Liberals are

  3. Actually, to some extent, Anonymous is right. What we should really fear is Progressivism. There is a far more immediate threat to Canadians from the intrinsically immoral ideology of Progressivism than there is from ISIS.

  4. From the time little Justin wowed the presstitutes with his eulogy quoting from Shakespear.
    "Friends, Romans, countrymen, give me your attention. I have come here to bury Caesar, not to praise him. /The evil that men do is remembered after their deaths, but the good is often buried with them. It might as well be the same with Caesar"/
    He used "I" and "My" about twenty times he did not use the second sentance in his little speech.
    He is fragile, phony and clueless the Maggoty Media realize this and will protect his precious little self whenever he says something stupid.
    That happens whenever he speaks " he has a celbrity status somewhere south of Chaz Bono" JMO

  5. "progressives" (fascists) and ISIS terrorists are more like kindred spirits than they are rivals. They're both fascistic, intolerant and both are blinded by a warped semi-religious ideology of hatred and supremacy. As for the maggots encrusted within the media protecting their retarded candidate Jethro Trudeau, nothing could surprise me less. Of course the media campaigning for the moronic spawn Jethro the clown is a disgrace but it's also to be expected... but the media have been protecting the poor defenseless dunce since the day the Liberals thought the name Trudeau was all that was needed to take over the country again. The CBC is the enemy of freedom and the enemy of all Canadians who are not cultists. The CBC as it is is corrupt to the core, has been for decades, it should be hosed out and disinfected as it is a toxic waste dump.

  6. The video seemed over the top and inappropriate. You can make a point without showing the graphic pictures and since television is watched by many people including younger children, I don't think CBC not showing it was wrong. In fact if anything showing it would probably hurt more than help than Conservatives. Attack ads are a fine line. They can be extremely effective, but if you push too far they can backfire like the soldiers in our streets by the Liberals in 2006 or the Chretien face ad in 1993 by the PCs.

  7. Actually it is entirely appropriate , Trudeau wants to stop fighting these monsters. The add is just showing what monsters they are. As for the content, they in fact show very little, just the beginning of the horror, enough for users to get the point.

    As for Trudeau the younger, he doesn't even care enough to get the type of A/C right (he calls them F-15s) And calling a question he might have to answers as PM (will your nation go to war) 'nonsensical' just shows how unready he is. Which of course is the intent of the add

  8. Robert West - There are many people that don't like seeing graphic pictures so no I don't think it is appropriate. You can make the argument without showing those. Also I think opposing Canada's involvement is a legitimate point of view.

    I oppose our involvement as no war doesn't involve collateral damage and every innocent person we kill is one we drive into ISIS' arms. I abhor ISIS as much as anyone else, but also realize imperialism by the West in the Middle East is partially responsible although not wholly for it. We can do our part through humanitarian aid and also allowing some of the persecuted refugees to settle in Canada. Canada is a small not a large country so there is no reason we can't act like other small wealthy neutral countries such as Austria, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Sweden, and Switzerland who don't get involve in foreign wars and only go to war for self-defence. None of those have faced terrorist attacks and they are all countries with high standards of living, so I believe the idea of Canada following such foreign policy is a legitimate point of view although I understand why many might feel differently. I am for one glad we stayed out of both the Vietnam War and second Iraq War.

  9. Sorry my friend, but the pictures that I see aren't really that graphic. You see much worse on the news.

    The problems in the Middle East date back to the seventh century, long before any 'Western Imperialism.' As for you reluctance to fight these evil people (who BTW have declared war on us) I ask you the same question that was asked of Trudeau the younger, who would you fight?

    As for the countries you mentioned, Ireland Sweden and Switzerland, they all stayed out the WW2 as well, do you agree with that? Furthermore Sweden and Switzerland spend a large portion of their GDP on defence (much more than us, do you want to do that?)

    As for apposing the action against ISIL being a legitimate POV I'll give you that. But by the same token, the view that apposing action against ISIL is short sighted, naïve and dangerous is also a legitimate POV.

  10. Robert West - Generally showing graphic images is done only in the evening after 9 when children won't be watching and also a warning is given by the reporter before being shown.

    You are right the Middle East has had countless wars since the dawn of civilization, but the same could be said about Europe who had even more bloody wars until WWII which finally for the most part (excluding some regional conflicts like the Balkans) put an end to their wars. ISIS may have threatened us, but they don't have the ability to attack us militarily like a large superpower could. Any fighter would need to go through customs to get here and with visas for all nationals from the Middle East and not electronic pre-screening for European travelers, tougher screening at the border, not fighting them is the solution. Of all the wars since 1867, the only one I think Canada was justified in joining was WWII. I am glad we stayed out of Vietnam and second Iraq war and have no doubt had Harper been PM, we would have unwisely joined both.

    ISIS is a evil group, but it is not our role to go around the world policing other countries. Far from making us safer, it makes us a bigger target. There is a reason why before Harper we were never attacked unlike the US or Britain, we didn't attack others. We should let those in the Middle East work things out.

    As for the two lone wolf attacks, those were mentally disturbed individuals who just used ISIS as an excuse, but not a reason for war, rather a reason for better relations with the Muslim community and encouraging those to report those who appear to be radical as well as a greater commitment to mental health as this seems to be a common thread with many murders regardless of the reason behind them.

    As for keeping us safer, there are many things we do in our daily life which we are far more likely to die from than a terrorist attack. The chance of being killed in a car accident on the way to work, crossing the street, playing hockey, playing football, skiing, dying in a house fire, even flying a plane are greater than a terrorist attack so I don't believe taking away freedoms through C-51 or putting our soldiers at risk is worth it. What's hypocritical is while Harper is gung ho about war, he doesn't want to look after our veterans who are disabled or suffering PSDT.

  11. A picture of men in a cage and men with wire around their necks is NOT graphic, not until you understand what is happening to them.

    In 1936 Hitler was also too weak to attack the West, and should have been stopped then, unfortunately we waited too long. ISIL plans to restore the caliphate (an empire stretching from Spain to India) and their evil practices eclipse any thing I've seen in my lifetime, and you say we should do NOTHING!!

    As for bill C-51, have you actually read it? It is mostly about government agencies sharing info with each other as unlike you, the RCMP, CSIS and others see ISIL and their ilk for what they are.

    As for comparing casualties on the roads with terrorism, what's your point? Far more Canadians have died on the roads that were killed in our various wars. Should we have not fought WW2 because it did not directly affect us? That our civilian causalities were just a few hundred?

    As for the motives of the terrorists in Canada, the thing all of them (including the many that have been stopped) have one thing in common, Radical Islam. Were they mentally unbalanced? I think than anybody who blows himself up to make a political statement is not in his right mind.

    As for the vets, it might interest you to know that they have been treated better than any government of the past. To say that the PM is not interested in helping our vets or those with PTSD is to tell a lie.

  12. Not to sure how to edit comments, so I will add a new one.

    Regarding 'Graphic Images' I find it interesting that the CBC(which after all is the point of this post) wants the add off the air because they claim it violates copy write(it doesn't) the 'graphic images' talking point is just an attempt to deflect from the message of the add, to wit that Trudeau the younger is not ready to be PM because his answer to a very important question (under what circumstances would to take your nation to war) is so weak and condescending.

    With regards to the actions of ISIL. The way one wins a war is to destroy your enemies will to resist. War is at its root a psychological game. At the present time ISIL doesn't have much in the way of heavy equipment (although they are gaining on that front) So they are using extreme psychological terror on their enemies. IE if you resist us this will happen to you.

    For that reason they HAVE to be stopped by all means necessary even if it offends the tender sensibilities of those who live in the fools paradise that is Canada. Because of our geography we have been isolated from the terrors of the world, but I wonder how much longer this will continue.

  13. "A picture of men in a cage and men with wire around their necks is NOT graphic, not until you understand what is happening to them. "

    It's still in my view not appropriate to show when children could be watching. If shown after 9:00 PM and a warning is given evidence that some viewers may find it disturbing then I am fine with it.

    "In 1936 Hitler was also too weak to attack the West, and should have been stopped then, unfortunately we waited too long. ISIL plans to restore the caliphate (an empire stretching from Spain to India) and their evil practices eclipse any thing I've seen in my lifetime, and you say we should do NOTHING!!"

    Big difference, Germany was one of the world's most powerful country while ISIS is not a nation state and is in a poor third world without the abilities to attack militarily. They may do terrorist attacks on other countries but that is tackled through better border control and punishing those who are caught. As for a caliphate, that may be their dream but won't happen. Everybody during the Vietnam War said if they weren't stopped communism would spread throughout Asia yet that never happened and today Vietnam is friendly with the West again and is making market reforms. Thankfully our leaders in Canada choose wisely to stay out of that one. Do you think we should have fought in the Iraq War in 2003 which Harper supported but the NDP and Liberals wisely opposed?

    "As for bill C-51, have you actually read it? It is mostly about government agencies sharing info with each other as unlike you, the RCMP, CSIS and others see ISIL and their ilk for what they are."

    Intelligence is already shared between agencies. The fact we were able to thwart the Toronto 18 and VIA Rail plots shows our laws are good enough as they are. There is no need to violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms over this.

    "As for comparing casualties on the roads with terrorism, what's your point? Far more Canadians have died on the roads that were killed in our various wars. Should we have not fought WW2 because it did not directly affect us? That our civilian causalities were just a few hundred?"

    The point is the threat to Canada isn't that big and it can be contained without the use of military action which is an extreme measure.

    "With regards to the actions of ISIL. The way one wins a war is to destroy your enemies will to resist. War is at its root a psychological game. At the present time ISIL doesn't have much in the way of heavy equipment (although they are gaining on that front) So they are using extreme psychological terror on their enemies. IE if you resist us this will happen to you."

    I want to ensure they remain a fringe movement. Going to war there will many innocent civilians will get killed thus making it easier to recruit never mind make us more of a target. Both Britain and Spain were attacked in 2004 and 2005 as retaliation for their participation in the Iraq war and I have no doubt Canada would have been had we been stupid enough to go in. You seem to fail to understand there is a reason Canadians are generally liked globally unlike Britain and the US, we don't attack others unprovoked and leave others alone and where we do help out it is in a positive way not destructive. There is a reason many Canadians saw flags on their backpack, when travelling abroad, it is because we are gentle, kind, and compassionate nation and most of us want to stay that way not be like many other Western powers. To say that ISIS can only be destroyed with violence, that may be true, but why do we have to get involved. Better to let the other countries in the Middle East who understand the areas and history fight them.

  14. "As for the vets, it might interest you to know that they have been treated better than any government of the past. To say that the PM is not interested in helping our vets or those with PTSD is to tell a lie."

    For WWII and Korean vets, the government does a decent job as that group is shrinking rapidly each year, but for Afghanistan veterans, far from it. Harper seems hung ho about sending people off to war but seems to have little understanding how awful war is. If he feels so strongly about war, maybe he should ask his son Benjamin who is over 18 to go enlist. If he doesn't think he should go, than what right does have to send other's son and daughters.

    "For that reason they HAVE to be stopped by all means necessary even if it offends the tender sensibilities of those who live in the fools paradise that is Canada. Because of our geography we have been isolated from the terrors of the world, but I wonder how much longer this will continue."

    I am proud of the way Canada is. We aren't the most powerful country on earth, but the greatest to live in. The reason is we are tolerant, we care for each other, and we should the strong side of humanity all countries should aspire to but few achieve. Since ISIS is a minimal threat to us, I see no reason to throw away our values. We are not American or European and I want to keep it that way.

  15. Sorry but your blather just shows that your head is in the sand regarding the threat that is ISIL. They are not in it for the next few years, but the long run.

    I see in all your writing you have not said anything about the most important point of this post. The CBC is crying 'copywrite' because Trudeau the younger is shown for the arrogant twit he is.

    He was asked a very important question, to wit under what circumstances would your country go to war and the arrogant answer was far far beneath anyone who is inspiring to be PM.

    You have absolutely no evidence that the PM is either 'gung ho' or cavalier about sending Canadian troops and airmen off to war. How do you know he doesn't understand the horrors of war?

    As for Canada I also believe it is the greatest to live in. But I also understand that one of the major reasons for that is our graphical isolation and a relatively benign superpower as our neighbour. As Pax Americana starts to break down, (as it is) I wonder how much longer we can be the tolerant peaceful nation that we are.

  16. "Sorry but your blather just shows that your head is in the sand regarding the threat that is ISIL. They are not in it for the next few years, but the long run. "

    I realize they won't disappear anytime soon, but let those in the Middle East fight them, their threat to Canada is minimal and so we need to stay out of this fight, not get drawn in.

    "I see in all your writing you have not said anything about the most important point of this post. The CBC is crying 'copywrite' because Trudeau the younger is shown for the arrogant twit he is.

    He was asked a very important question, to wit under what circumstances would your country go to war and the arrogant answer was far far beneath anyone who is inspiring to be PM."

    I think Justin Trudeau is a weak leader, but I believe wanting to not go to war against ISIS is a legitimate point of view and represents a sizeable portion of Canada never mind every recent war we've been in public opinion was initially for it but eventually turned against it and I suspect if we play a big role against ISIS and spend too long and have casualties public opinion will turn.

    "You have absolutely no evidence that the PM is either 'gung ho' or cavalier about sending Canadian troops and airmen off to war. How do you know he doesn't understand the horrors of war? "

    I don't know for sure but certainly his behavior to date suggest he is quite hawkish as I have yet to see Harper oppose any war or even argue Canada play a smaller role. He seems to want Canada involved in every one that comes up and not only that, but feels we need to play a much bigger role than others too including many who have a larger military.

    "As for Canada I also believe it is the greatest to live in. But I also understand that one of the major reasons for that is our graphical isolation and a relatively benign superpower as our neighbour. As Pax Americana starts to break down, (as it is) I wonder how much longer we can be the tolerant peaceful nation that we are. "

    I agree we are one of the greatest nations in the world, but I wouldn't call the US a benign superpower. If you are rich white country like Canada perhaps they are towards them, but if you are a poor coloured country, they have on many occasions been willing to invade or through covert actions overthrow leaders they don't like. The decline of their power while in fact have many positive aspects as they have often still bullied us a country so I am not worried about their decline. And our geographic isolation will always exist even if they are weakened.
