Monday, August 10, 2015

Kathleen Wynne's bizarre assault on Stephen Harper

Kathleen Wynne has been feuding with Stephen Harper, in part because he refuses to have the feds  collect the mandatory deductions for her new Ontario pension plan.  And why would he?  He is against expanding CPP mandatory deductions, favoring instead voluntary contributions, the  approach preferred by, for example, the employers of 2/3 of the private sector workforce.

Kelly McParland on Wynne's latest bizarro outburst:
Wynne’s latest effort is the suggestion that, had Harper been prime minister instead of Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s national railway would never have been built.

... This is an odd statement, considering the considerable efforts Ottawa has put into convincing Ontario to get behind Energy East, the transcontinental pipeline that would move crude from Alberta and Saskatchewan to Saint John. It’s a truly national project, it would work to the benefit of the country as a whole, would create jobs and expand domestic refining activity ...

... Wynne and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard have issued a list of conditions they want met before they will deign to support the project.

... If Sir John A. had faced similar efforts to derail the railway over patently partisan provincial antics, the great project might indeed never have been completed. But it wouldn’t have been Ottawa’s fault, it would have been that of petty, narrow-minded premiers protecting their flanks at the expense of the country as a whole.
This an example of how the "loony left" earns its name.


  1. HArper and his ministers have been running down Wynne for years. They campaigned against her during the provincial election. HArper refuses to cooperate with Wynne in setting infrastructure priorities, refused to meet with her and takes shots at her. It should be no surprise that Wynne is looking for a federal partner with which she can do business.

  2. Nony you you are spouting garbage and lies. Wynne and McGuinty have run Ontario into the ground, why would Harper want a part of that? This is just another tax grab that no one wants, except of course loony lefties. If Wynne gets a federal partner then the whole of Canada will soon be in the same basket case as Ontario.

  3. Harper has run the government into the ground with $200 billion in debt. We want no part of Harper. Harper says other parties will run deficits. That is rich coming from a guy that ran 8 of the largest deficits in history. We can't afford Harper's junk policies. Especially his silly targeted tax breaks. Why should I subsidize my neighbours Reno? How about real income tax cuts instead of this silly vote getting gimmicks. Harper is a terrible PM. The sooner he is gone the better.

  4. Anonymous, you're cherry picking data. Yep, Harper ran some big deficits. They're necessary on occasion, especially when things like th 2009 financial world implosion happen. He also balanced the budget quicker than any other G7 nation. Better ratings than any other G7 nation on just about every economic, health and quality of life measure. Better rating for doing business.
    What's to complain about? NOTHING. Base your arguments on the real world. Ooops, I forgot, leftists can't do that, their world view doesn't allow it.

  5. Harper says not to vote NDP because they'll run deficits. Harper inherited balanced budgets and piddle do it away. Harper has no history of balanced budgets.neven the current budget is not balanced. You can keep dreaming but Harper is a failed economic manager.

  6. old white guy says...... Anon, you are so full of it I do not know what to say. You do know that the debt was the result of the marvelous economic meltdown forced on the world by the idiot politicians in the US. you must also know that the spending was approved by all parties because the conservatives were in a minority situation at the time. While I do agree that Harper has been spending like a liberal I am reasonably sure that the libs and dippers will crank the presses up to an unheard of level if they gain office. They have done it in the past and are currently running Ontario into the ground.

  7. OK, Anon, we get it. You love destructive socialist politicians. Unemployed basement dweller wants his taxpayer funded freebies. You think CAGW is real. You think only tax-and-spend Leftists can "save" the world. So cast your vote for communist lovin' pot legalizing Trudeau in October and shut your mouth already. And live with your G##damn choices.

  8. I believe the real, deep down reason why Wynne can't stand Harper ( and his supporters) is because he just doesn't seem to be impressed enough by her gayness.
