Monday, August 10, 2015

Mulcair - "a self-righteous, even simple-minded politician"

Robert Fulford reviews Mulcair's autobiography:
Tom Mulcair has proven himself a talented opposition leader but close scrutiny of his written words can only detract from his reputation. Strength of Conviction (Dundurn Press), an autobiography and a campaign kickstart, gives the impression that Mulcair is self-righteous and simple-minded, even for a member of the New Democratic Party. ...
 That's just for openers!! Ouch!


  1. People used to say that about the Reform party and Steven Harper. They were wrong.

  2. I was a writer and eventually in my final year editor of The Campus, Bishop's University student newspaper many years ago. I used to get copies of all the other student newspapers across Canada and also went to a Canadian University Press conference. All the newspapers except mine and Sir Wilfrid Laurier's newspaper (The Cord?) were leftist, most incredibly Marxist.

    I am finding that besides the CBC most institutions have been been taken over by these same people, at least those who think this way. And if Mulcair becomes PM, my seventies nightmare will have come true: the nuts are truly running the asylum.

  3. "... most institutions have been been taken over by these same people"

    Yes, indeed. I don't know for certain that leftists have been consciously following the strategic advice of Italian socialist guru Antonio Gramsci but the result is the same.

    Gramsci advocated that "disguised communists should occupy all the posts in educational, cultural and media organizations, gradually and carefully expelling their opponents to the last man."
