Sunday, October 11, 2015

Canda's newest citizen "An Islamist, giving the finger to non-Muslim Canadians"

The CTV video on YouTube


  1. "90% of Muslims wouldn't talk to someone wearing a niqab"... It is the Media the Trudowe Party and the NDP that are playing the "politics of division, and they are doing it together in a co-ordinated effort. Nice to hear some truth regarding this issue, unfortunately the truth will not stop the Media from continuing to lie to the public in order to help the Trudope Party. The Media will do and say anything and everything to try and influence this election in favour of the Media's candidate Trudope the retard. The Media would rather have a snowboard instructor/drama teacher in the PMO than PM Harper... utterly deranged. Only a matter of time before Beverly McLauchlin (AKA. God) and the other "Gods" of the Supreme ruling courts declare Sharia Law valid in Canada.

  2. Regardless of what one thinks of the Niqab, I've always believed in the rule, when in Rome do as the Romans do, otherwise when you go to another country whether as a visitor or immigrant you follow their rules and customs not ask them to change to yours. I've travelled to over 30 countries and wherever I travel, I follow the local customs, not mine from home as it is disrespectful when you are in another country to ask them to do things your way instead of their way. Otherwise she should remove her niqab just as a Westerner in a Muslim country should dress the way local women do when visiting them. Otherwise the rules of the country you are in, not from apply.

  3. And, as we all know by now, wearing the niqab is not a religious obligation, it is a personal choice. If the customs of the swearing in ceremony become a matter of personal choice it no longer has any meaning.

  4. This was a fantastic interview and should be shared by all who can and will.
